Chapter 21: Jealousy

Start from the beginning

“I said don’t” he growled in an aroused way.

I stopped biting my lip and felt his hands snake around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. That little pull made our lips touch in an instant since our faces were already very close. He didn’t kiss me and neither did I. His lips felt warm and soft against my lips and I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. He suddenly pulled back. My lips felt empty somehow and craved to feel his plump lips again. I gulped because I didn’t know how I was going to get out of here and if I wanted to get out of here.

“I…should really go. Take care of your hand” I suddenly said and got up.

Neymar nodded and didn’t say anything else. I ran out of the locker room and headed back to the field because I had to finish taking my pictures for Alberto. I just hoped I didn’t lose too much time in the locker room with Neymar. I got goosebumps again just thinking of him. I banished what happened in the locker room from my mind because I had to focus on improving my photography skills. This internship was really important to me after all. I took a few more shots of Messi, Sergi, Ter Stegen, and Adriano, after that, I headed back to the photographer's room to show Alberto my newer pictures.

“You have been away a long time,” Alberto said when he saw me.

“Yes, I wanted to take my time to make sure the shots would come out well. I hope you will like them” I explained.

He nodded and transferred the pictures from the memory card to his laptop again.

“Let’s see,” he said, scrolling through the pictures.

He looked at the pictures and nodded to himself. He stopped at that picture I had taken of Neymar with the sweat dripping down his temple.

"This is amazing!” he exclaimed.

“I’m impressed with the pictures Olivia! These pictures are 10 times better than the previous ones. I love the shots you took of Neymar. I’ll put some of them on the FCB website and you’ll be credited, so good job!” he smiled.

“Thank you so much, Alberto! I tried something different and I’m glad that you are pleased” I said, feeling relieved.

I quickly looked away from his laptop screen, because the shots of Neymar were not something I wanted to look at right now.

“You can go take your lunch break. I’ll come and get you in an hour and then I’ll show you some of the software we use to edit etc,” he said.

“Thanks, Alberto,” I said and headed back to the field.

“Boo!” Neymar yelled and jumped me from behind, scaring the living shit out of me.

“Oh my god! Are you insane?” I yelled, holding my heart.

“Payback for when you scared me during the hike” he chuckled.

“You are unbelievable!” I groaned.

“I’m sorry Olive about the locker room. I…I don’t know what has gotten into me” Neymar said with a big sigh.

“I’m sorry too…it won’t happen again,” I said.

“It won’t happen again” he repeated.

“I love Marc” I added.

“And I’m with Thais,” he said.

We looked at each other and smiled.

“Olive, I don’t want to lose your friendship,” he said.

“You won’t,” I said.

“Good,” he said, pinching my cheek.

“Yo bro, stop touching my girl” Marc suddenly yelled, appearing out of nowhere.

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