Page 30: Kidnapping and Never Changing:

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There was a knock on the door when Dream walked over to open it. "Hook, I told you--" Dream stopped when she opened the door, seeing Tamara. "Hey, Tamara... I did not expect to see you here. Come in." Dream said, shocked to see Tamara as she moved to let her in. 

"Hey, Dream." Tamara smiled when Dream closed the door behind them.

"Sorry... I thought my mom was just coming home, so excuse my pajamas." Dream said when she moved her cardigan while she crossed her arms over her chest. "Well, I thought I would just stop by... You know, with Neal." Tamara lied when Dream smiled. "Yeah, of course... Well, I was actually working on the dishes, so we can talk in the kitchen if you wouldn't mind." Dream said, going to the kitchen, when Tamara blew crushed-up poppies into Dream's face, making her fall onto the ground. 

"Well, that worked," Greg said when he walked in from the front door when Tamara turned to him. "The question is, how are we going to get her out without anyone being suspicious?" Tamara asked, looking at Greg. "We'll figure it out... But we don't have time to waste." Greg said when he moved to pick up Dream.

The next morning, Neal woke up to an empty bed again when he looked up and saw Tamara tying her running shoes. He glanced over to the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was six in the morning. "How about we sleep in just this once?" Neal suggested, moving in the bed, while Tamara chuckled. "The marathon's in three weeks. I have to train." Tamara said when she stood up. "Come back to bed; I'll give you a workout," Neal smirked, mumbling into the pillow.

"I'll see you later," Tamara smirked when she walked over, kissing his head, before leaving.

"Okay... Bye." He said when she walked out to go for her run. Neal started to go back to sleep until he heard yelling and glass shattering. He got up when he rushed to see what was going on.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait..." Whales begged while Gold held up his good foot over his face. "No. If you won't kiss it, you're gonna taste it anyway." Gold threatened as he stood in front of the Rabbit Hole with "Lacey." 

"Come on, gold, I didn't do anything." Gold said, holding his hands up in defense.

"You stared at her. And I know how you think. So, kiss my boots." Gold threatened when he went to step on Whales's face, but he was pulled back before he could. "What are you doing?" Neal asked while holding his father back while Whales got up from the ground. "Stand aside, this doesn't concern you. Let go of me, son!" Gold scoffed when he got out of Neal's grasp while Whales took off.

"I'm surprised you didn't turn him into a snail." Neal scoffed at his father.

"A snail? What are you talking about?" "Lacey" asked with a chuckle, since Gold kept the magic part away from her since he was going back to his wicked ways. "Lacey, why don't you go and wait for me in the shop? I'll be along shortly." Gold said, handing her his keys when she walked away from the father-son-duo.

"You're unreal, you know that? You spent years looking for me. I come into town; you disappear. Haven't even bothered to meet Tamara." Neal scolded Gold when he went back to walk to Granny's. "Why should I concern myself with her?" Gold asked, making Neal scoff to himself. 

"We're getting married."

"It's never gonna last. Not while you carry a torch for Emma." Gold said, making Neal roll his eyes. "You know, you haven't changed one bit. For a second, I thought you might have. I started to think maybe you were worth my time... After talking to my sister. How she told me what you did from a distance while she was growing up... I guess I was wrong." Neal sighed when Gold was hurt by his words. "And yet, you're still here." Gold said while Neal started to walk off.

"For Henry... For Dream. Not you." Neal said, turning to look at his father. "As far as I'm concerned, you can stay away from all three of us." Neal spat, before walking away, for real this time.

~season 2, episode 21: "Second Star to the Right"~

~727 words~

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