Page 97: Finding Pan:

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*Eleven Years Ago*


"Who is this bundle of joy?" Granny asked as Regina was trying to stop Henry from crying. 

"Do you have a problem with him crying?" Regina asked, sounding frustrated since she couldn't get Henry to stop crying, which was different from baby Dream. "No. Of course not." Granny shook her head, placing Dream's grilled cheese in front of her.

"Hey! Shh! Okay, it's time to be quiet. Time to be quiet." Regina tried, but Henry kept crying. 

"Mommy, I have to pee." Dream spoke up, making Regina sigh. "Can you want just a minute, Dreamy? What?" Regina asked, looking at Granny, who was still standing there.

"You want some advice? Try a story. That's how they soothe themselves. A bedtime story. Gets 'em used to your voice. Worked with Ruby. Her issues started later." Granny smiled at Regina. "Come on, Dreamy. I'll take you to the bathroom." Granny said, taking Dream's hand and walking her to the bathroom.

Regina sighed, watching Granny take Dream to the bathroom as Henry kept crying. "Hey, okay. It's okay. It's okay." Regina said calmly as she picked Henry up. "Once upon a time, there was..." Regina stopped when Henry spits up on her shirt. "Ugh." Regina sighed, in a disgusted tone, looking at baby Henry.

Dream walked back over while Granny went back to the counter. "Hand Mommy those napkins, Dreamy," Regina said as Dreamy handed her mom the napkins. 

Regina immediately headed to the hospital to have Henry checked for anything that could explain his excessive crying. "Well, his heart's as strong as a locomotive." Dr. Whales smiled, checking Henry's heart, while Regina stood to the side, holding baby Henry on the table. Dream was playing with the toys in the room, sitting in the chair, and being the quiet, well-behaved kid she was. "And his lungs are healthy, clearly." Dr. Whales chuckled.

"Well, what about a blood test or a chest X-ray?" Regina suggested.

"Is he a smoker?" Dr. Whales asked, catching Regina off-guard. 

"What?" Regina's eyes widened.

"Look, it's obvious what the problem is. He's a crying baby. You probably dealt with this when Dream was a baby--"

"I paid for this?" Regina scoffed, knowing that Dream would cry a lot, but Regina always got her to stop. "Actually, your insurance did." Whales corrected Regina. "What do I do?" Regina asked him, sounding frustrated.

"All right, I can prescribe you something. Ten CCs of maternal love." Whales said, moving the curtain when he walked over. 

Regina scoffed, following him when Dream walked over to her baby brother. "Dr. Whale, no one loves their child more than me. Which means there's something wrong with my son." Regina said when Dream got on her tiptoes, playing with Henry's little feet. "Your job is to help him. Do it." Regina said, not hearing that Henry stopped crying as Dream held his hand.

"Sure, I can order additional testing, but with babies, there are risks. And it's generally nothing and not worth it." Dr. Whale said, turning to look at Regina. "Generally?" Regina asked, both of them not paying attention to Henry, who stopped crying as Dream smiled, playing with baby Henry's feet. "Well, in some cases, there could be something abnormal happening. But we'd need the birth mother to find out." Dr. Whale said, making Regina cross her arms over her chest.

"You mean, the woman who abandoned him? You think she can soothe him? I'm his mother."

"You misunderstand me, Regina." Dr. Whale sighed. "If something were, in fact, wrong with the baby, maybe there's something in her medical records, something genetic, that could be causing the problem. But the only people who can help us fill those blanks are the biological parents." Dr. Whale continued to explain to her.

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