Page 42: Getting the Beans Back:

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David drove him, Hook, and Dream to the docks when they saw Greg burning papers, while also putting his stuff in the U-Haul-like truck that Tamara kept Hook in as a hostage. "They're in there," David said while they looked over. "Let's go!" Hook said when they got out of the car. Hook let his door open so that Dream could get out, but she got out on David's side, making Hook sigh under his breath.

The ground started rumbling again, when Hook held onto the hood of David's truck, watching as David grabbed onto Dream until the short Earthquake stopped. "Time's running out." Hook said when David let go of Dream. "Oh, is that what that means?" David scoffed, when he followed Hook, while Dream trailed behind.

They snuck inside with Dream walking ahead of them, ready to throw a fireball like her grandmother had taught her. She walked a bit ahead, not listening to David and Hook. "So, tell me, Hook, is all this time it's been about revenge for you, why is it suddenly so important to you that you survive?" David asked, following behind Hook, who glanced at David. "I know what I'm fighting for, my family. What are you fighting for?" David asked, when Hook looked at Dream who walked ahead of them. 

"Myself... It's plenty of motivation, I can assure you." Hook said, looking away from Dream, making David sigh.

While they continued to look around, Hook grabbed Dream, stopping her from walking ahead, when he heard a clank. "What are you--" Dream went to ask, but Hook looked at her, holding his finger up to his lips. "Quiet." He said, in a quiet voice.

David took out his pistol, when he walked in front of Dream and Hook, when they moved, hiding behind a barrel. David and Hook got out of hiding, while Hook kept Dream behind him, when they saw Greg. "The beans. Give them to me." David said, when Greg set the bags down that he was carrying.

"Do you mean these?" Greg asked, taking a small bottle of beans out. David turned, when Tamara came out of hiding with her gun. She shot at David, who tried to dodge the bullets, before Tamara ran off, when Dream threw a fireball her way.

Greg went to run out, when Hook tackled him, causing the bottle to break. Dream ran after Tamara, wanting payback for her brother. "Dream!" David yelled, when he rushed after, not wanting anything to happen to Dream. Meanwhile, Hook was fighting Greg, before reaching for the beans.

Tamara fell to the ground, dropping her gun, when she turned, seeing David, with his gun aimed at her, and Dream, who had a fireball in her hands with glowing eyes. Dream let the fireball disappear, before raising her hand to make Tamara wince, while she held her head.

Dream stopped, when Greg ran over, pushing David down, who fell into Dream. Tamara went to reach for David's gun, but Greg got up, stopping her. "No, come on, We got what we need." Greg said, pushing Tamara outside. David got up, going to follow them, but Hook stopped him, holding him back, after helping Dream up.

"What are you doing?" David asked, trying to get away from Hook. "They've got the beans!" He added, when Hook stopped Dream from following them, too.

"Not all of them. I snagged one." Hook said, holding up the one bean that he got. "Where's the rest?" Dream asked him, watching Hook put the bean in a little pouch that was attached to his belt. "Who cares, love? All we need is one." Hook said, before David went to run after them, but Hook stopped him again. "Hey! Live to fight another day, mate." Hook said, when David scoffed, moving his arm from Hook's grip.

"I'm not your mate." David scoffed, when he grabbed the pouch, before placing a hand on Dream's back, leading her back to the truck, making Hook scoff to himself, before following them.

~season 2, episode 22: "And Straight on 'til Morning"~

~669 words~

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