Page 77: Words of Advice:

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When the group got back to the camp, David started a fire while everyone just waited around, resting a bit before they mapped out their plan. Hook moved to lean on a rock, sitting next to Dream. He held up his coconut and poked a hole in it with his hook. "Thanks." Dream smiled at him, taking the coconut to take a drink of it. 

Emma sat over to the side, watching Hook and Dream, feeling a little annoyed by them because it was evident that there was something between the two, whether the two of them realized it or not. Meanwhile, Mary Margaret lay, resting on David while the two of them watched the fire. 

And Tinker Bell moved over from the stump she was sitting on as she noticed the weird tension between Dream, Hook, and Emma, over to Regina, who was looking at her engagement ring from Daniel. 

"Did you ever go back and find him? The man with the lion tattoo?" Tinker Bell asked Regina while glancing over to Dream, still wondering who Dream's father was. 


"Unreal." Tinker Bell scoffed at her, making Regina look at her. "Do you know how selfish that is?" She continued to scoff at her.

"It's a lot of things... But how is it selfish?" Regina asked her, confused by the fairy's words. 

"Because you didn't just ruin your life. You ruin his." Tinker Bell scoffed, making Regina sigh before looking over to her daughter. "But you must have found someone... I mean, you have two kids." Tinker Bell said when the two looked over to Dream, who was laughing at something Hook must have said.

"Actually... Henry's technically Emma's son. I just adopted him when he was a baby." Regina sighed, looking over at Emma, then back to Dream. "But Dream... Her father... He's definitely not anyone I could be happy with. Or anyone she has anything to do with." Regina confessed, sighing as she looked at Dream. This made Tinker Bell raise a brow.

"She seems fond of Hook..." Tinker Bell added, changing the subject for a bit, when Regina sighed, looking back at Hook and Dream.

"Yeah, not too thrilled about that." Regina also confessed when Tinker Bell scoffed at her again. "And you're going to ruin her happiness too?" Tinker Bell asked her, crossing her arms over her chest. "Excuse me?" Regina scoffed at her, looking at her.

"You did not take your chance to meet your soulmate, ruining your life, his life, and my life... Don't make the same mistake with her by interfering." 

~season 3, episode 3: "Quite a Common Fairy"~

~432 words~

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