Page 91: Dark Hollow:

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The four of them walked into a dark, scary part of the island. Dream jumped at the sound of crows when she looked around at the dead trees. The wind blew in their direction, making the flame in the lanterns go out. "The Dark Hollow," Neal said, keeping close to his sister. "This is where the victims of Pan's shadow reside?" Hook asked Neal, following behind Emma. "Yeah. Forced to spend eternity in the darkness. Come on. Let's be sure not to join them." Neal said, looking at Dream, who looked almost green from being scared. Neal stopped them at a big, empty clearing. 

"So, we just wait for Pan's shadow to show up?" Dream asked Neal. "Yeah. And when it does, we'll be prepared." Neal said, taking the coconut out of his bag.

"Wanna tell us how that coconut works?" Emma asked him.

"We light the candle, and the shadow's drawn to it. When it gets close enough, the flame will suck it in." Neal explained, taking off one half of the coconut and setting it on a broken branch. "We put the lid on, and it's trapped inside this bad boy." He continued as Dream and Emma wrapped their arms around them as the wind kept getting colder.

"Sounds like a fine plan except for one thing. Our lanterns went out. How the devil are we going to ignite that bloody thing?" Hook asked Neal, setting the lantern in his hand down. "Welcome to the 21st century," Neal smirked, holding up a lighter.

He kept trying to light it while Emma stayed close to Dream. "How's it coming over there, guys?" Emma asked them as Neal seemed to be having trouble with the lighter. "Let me help." Hook offered, trying to grab the lighter from Neal. "I got it." Neal fought, still trying to light the candle wick.

"I've only got one hand, and I could do better than that."

"Now's not the time to try to impress my sister." Neal scoffed, making Emma and Dream look at them. 

"Oh, you think that's what I'm doing?" Hook scoffed out a chuckle.

"Really? You're doing this now?" Emma scoffed at both of them as Dream noticed the wind picking up. "You heard Emma. Are we gonna stand here and argue, or are we gonna get the candle lit?" Hook scoffed, pushing Neal to the side, trying to use the lighter. 

"Harder than it looks, huh, pal? Let me see it." Neal said, trying to grab the lighter from Hook, causing the two grown men to fight like kids in a sandbox. 

They ended up throwing the lighter into a hole in the trunk of a tree. "Guys, we don't have time for this." Emma scoffed as the two walked over to try and find the lighter. Emma grabbed the coconut before Dream took out her sword when Pan's shadow appeared. "We really don't have time for this. Is that Pan's shadow?" Emma asked, grabbing the sword from Dream and moving the younger girl behind her.

"Yeah. It's Pan's shadow." Neal said as he and Hook turned to see three shadows.

"What about the other two?" Hook asked as the shadows charged toward them. 

"He's controlling them!" Neal yelled as the four of them tried to dodge the shadows.

"Hook!" Dream yelled out when one of the shadows grabbed Hook pinning him to a tree. "Emma!" Neal yelled as another shadow pinned him to the opposite tree.

Emma moved her and Dream down, dodging the shadow as Dream started to panic. "Emma! Light it!" Dream said as she watched the shadows trying to steal Neal and Hook's shadows from their bodies. Emma tried to focus, trying to create a flame with her magic when Dream took it from her. Dream closed her eyes as a magic blast echoed from her body. The flame was lit, and the shadow was sucked into the flame, dropping Neal and Hook. Emma closed the candle as Hook and Emma looked at Dream, who passed out. She had been using too much of her powers. Magic does come with a price.

"How did she do that?" Neal asked, looking at his sister while Hook moved over, making sure she was okay.

"Regina. Gold." Emma said, holding the coconut halves tightly together. "My sister can do that? I thought she was only as powerful as Regina... You know, the fireballs and everything." Neal asked as he watched Hook move the hair from Dream's face as she started to slowly stir awake.

"Yeah... No. She's much too powerful." Emma said, looking at Neal. "More powerful than your dad, apparently." Emma sighed when the two watched Dream stirring awake.

"Did we do it?" Dream mumbled, making Hook smile, seeing that she was okay. "You did it, love. You saved us." Hook smiled at her, helping her sit up. "That's nice." Dream said before laying back in Hook's arms, exhausted from the amount of power.

When they went to leave, Dream could not stand on her own from feeling weak, so Hook carried her out of the cave, bridal style. Emma walked ahead of them as she stopped to turn at them. "Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry. I know I messed up." Neal said, walking up to Emma while holding the coconut. "Yes, you did. You both did. We almost lost our shot at capturing the shadow because you two were fighting over a lighter." Emma scolded them.

"It wasn't the lighter we were fighting over, love." Hook said, making Emma scoff.

"Okay. Let me be very clear about something. I know Dream, longer than the two of you... and if she had to choose someone, I'm sure she would choose Henry. But we can't know right now; before, she might have used all the power she has because of you two." Emma scoffed, walking off. Neal sighed, following her, when Hook looked at Dream.

Meanwhile, David and Mary Margaret waited by Tinker Bell's tree hut. "I was wondering if I'd see you again. But if you've come to talk me into helping you before you've found a way off this island, I still--" Tinker Bell went to tell them. "We found one. Or we're about to." David interrupted Tinker Bell, who was holding a sack of coconuts. "I'm not sure I like the sound of "about to."" Tinker Bell sighed when Mary Margaret joined her husband's side.

"Pan's shadow. Emma and Dream went with Hook and Neal to capture it. That's our way off the island." Mary Margaret smiled at the fairy.

"Capture Pan's shadow?" She raised her brows. "Yeah, I'm not lifting a finger until I see some proof you've actually succeeded--" Tinker Bell continued when Neal, Emma, and Hook walked over to them.

"Hey. Here's all the proof you need." Neal said, showing the coconut that was closed shut by rope. "Been a long time, Tink." Neal smiled at Tinker Bell, who couldn't believe her eyes.

"Bae, is it really you?" She asked him.

"Yeah. Most people call me Neal now." Neal smiled at her.  

"We did it. Are you finally ready to do your part, Tink?" Hook asked her when Mary Margaret noticed Dream. 

"What happened to Dream?" Tink asked him, worried about the girl who was very kind to her. 

"Long story, she just used too much of her magic." Emma sighed as she looked at Tinker Bell. "You going to help?" Emma asked the fairy.

"Yes. Yes, I am." Tink smiled at them, nodding. "I have some food that might help her get her strength back, come on," Tink said, continuing to her hut when Neal stopped Emma.

~season 3, episode 7: "Dark Hollow"~

~1258 words~

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