Page 48: Neverland:

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*Eleven Years Ago*

"Big breath. Breathe away, breathe away." The doctor said while Emma Swan tried to breathe through the pain. "Okay, here we go." The nurses said while Emma held onto the sides of the bed. "Doing well..." The doctor encouraged Emma while they were in the medical part of the Phoenix, Arizona, jail. "Doing great... Just hang on." The doctor said while the police lady watched from the side of the door.

"Almost there."

"Doing fine." 

They continued to tell the eighteen-year-old girl, who had her leg handcuffed to the bed while she was trying to push her baby out. "That's it, just keep breathing. There you go." The nurse continued to encourage her while Emma continued to wince through the pain. "That's it. Breaths, breaths, breaths. Doing great. Doing great. Here you go. Keep going... Yeah." The doctor continued when the nurse moved to hold Emma's hand since she was an abandoned orphan whose baby's father left her to rot in jail. "Breathe, breathe, breathe. Big breaths... Big breaths. Okay, now, big push... big breath. That's it! Push, push." The doctor said when Emma screamed out. No one in the room thought twice about the lights flickering since they were in a rarely used room.

Emma laid back o the pillow when she had pushed out the baby. After clipping the umbilical cord, the doctor wrapped the crying baby in a blanket. "That's good. That's beautiful." The doctor smiled when Emma's face was covered in sweat, with her blonde hair sticking to her forehead. "I know..." The doctor smiled at the little baby when Emma did everything in her power not to look over at the baby and the doctor. "It's a boy, Emma. Emma?" The doctor asked when he saw Emma look away, shaking her head. She did not want to see the baby that she had already planned to give up.

The nurse walked over to let the doctor know that Emma had already made up her mind. "Emma, just so you know, you can change your mind..." The doctor sighed while he rocked the poor, crying baby. "No... I can't be a mother." Emma cried, still looking away from the baby.

The baby was taken out of the room while Emma moved to look up at the ceiling, crying. She did not want her baby to live like she did, with no parents. But she could not raise a baby. Not in jail and not by herself.

*Present Day*

The group held onto the ropes while Hook tried to steer the ship through the whirlpool. The ride was rocky. Everyone was getting drenched in water while holding on to the ropes as tight as they could until the ship was spat out of the whirlpool.

Once the waters calmed and the ship was still on the calm, night waters, where the portal spit them out. Everyone stopped to catch their breaths. "I think I'm gonna be sick..." Dream was the first to speak up as she looked between her mom and dad on either side of her.

Everyone looked around as if they were afraid to speak after what they had just experienced. "Is that it?" Emma finally spoke up while Regina moved to rub Dream's back, looking so pale that she was practically green. "Aye. Neverland." Hook said when everyone looked ahead in the distance. There was an island that was being illuminated by the moonlight.

~season 3, episode 1: "The Heart of the Truest Believer"~

~573 words~

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