Page 25: Plans:

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"Actually, I prefer it with the lights on." Hook said when Tamara removed the bag they had over his head, they brought him up to the clock tower. "I've spent enough time below deck to not be afraid of the dark. So, if this is your idea of torture, well, you're just going to have to try a little harder." Hook smirked, looking up at Tamara.

"Torture you? No, we just want to offer you a job." Greg said, making Hook look between him and Tamara. 

"Oh. And then you're gonna let me go." Hook said, giving a pleading look to Tamara before smirking and laughing. "Oh... I'm sorry. I already did that last job. I killed Rumpelstiltskin. I'm sated. Replete. My life's purpose met." He continued while Tamara watched Greg walk closer to the broken clock, looking down the street. 

"I wish I could have been there. To see you stab the Dark One." Tamara said, glancing back at Hook, who continued to smirk.

"Well, look who's up to speed." 

"I'm a quick learner," Tamara said, returning the smirk to Hook. "Well, then, you know my work is done." Hook said, dropping his smirk to a stern, frustrated look.

"Yeah, I don't think so." Greg said before he and Tamara moved to make Hook look down the street to see Gold and "Lacey." "Take a look," Greg said as Tamara took out Hook's telescope; when Hook took it, looking for himself.

"No... No!" Hook scoffed, seeing them laughing.

"He's alive, Hook," Tamara said, in a harsher tone, when she took his telescope. Greg and Tamara move him back from the broken clock. "He beat you... This guy has powerful magic, "mate." He's untouchable. You'll never get another chance to take him down." Greg said, making Hook sneer at his comment.

"Oh, I will. I will, indeed." Hook sneered.

"Not unless we help you," Tamara added, making Hook scoff at them. "How can you help me?" He asked, looking out at the broken clock. "We know how to kill magical creatures," Tamara said when Hook thought about the suggestion.

"And the price?" He asked, making Greg and Tamara look at each other for a moment.

"I need you to help me find someone. My father. He was taken in this town a long time ago." Greg said, making Hook scrunch his face in confusion. "Why do you think I'll be able to help you find your father?" Hook asked him. "Because you know the woman that took him... Regina. And her daughter." Greg said when Hook's face softened at the mention of Dream. "Do we have a deal?" Greg asked, holding up Hook's silver hook.

Meanwhile, David and Mary Margaret were sitting at the docks, instead of heading home, while they drank hot cocoa. "If we're going back to the enchanted forest, are we really going to leave Regina behind?" Mary Margaret asked, sighing at the thought. "She's too dangerous to bring with us. We have to leave her." David sighed, when Mary Margaret looked down at the blanket that was wrapped on their laps. 

"But Henry won't like it... And Dream..." Mary Margaret sighed, thinking about the kids. "She is their mother. Despite all the horrors." She sighed, when she looked up at her husband.

"Mary Margaret, those horrors will continue. You want to give her another chance? Because every time we do, she's..."

"She slips, I know." Mary Margaret sighed, looking down at the hot cocoa. "What do we do? It's not like Dream will ever leave her mother. That's all she has. That's all Dream ever had." Mary Margaret continued to sigh.

"Instead of a second chance, we give Regina a choice. Come back, live out her days in Rumple's cell. Or stay here." David said, giving a solution to his wife.

A fisherman who was listening by the docks, moved to stand up, hiding behind a pole. He was surrounded by purple smoke, before turning back into Regina. "Jail cell?" Regina asked to herself, shaking her head. "I don't think so." She said, walking off without David and Mary Margaret knowing.

~season 2, episode 20: "The Evil Queen"~

~678 words~

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