Page 21: David Nolan, Mr. Gold's Wingman:

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*Granny's Diner*

"Ten bowls of chili. No beans." Granny announced, walking over a box of chili to the counter. "You and the dwarves got something against beans?" Granny asked, looking at David and Leroy. "Let's just say we've had our fill over the past couple of weeks," David said while he went through his wallet. "What exactly are you boys up to, anyway?" Granny asked when David got the money out, handing it to her.

"Just a little landscaping." Leroy shrugged since no one else knew about the real truth. Granny scrunched her nose, not believing Leroy, but Gold walked over before she could say anything.

"Is this seat taken?" Gold spoke up, making David, Granny, and Leroy turn to look at him. "You might want to run along. I need to chat to the Prince." Gold said, sitting in the seat next to Leroy.

"It's all right, Leroy. I got this." David said when Leroy got up so that David and Gold could talk. "What do you want to chat about, Gold?" David asked, watching Leroy walk the box of chilis out to David's truck.

"Regina... She, uh, helped jog Belle's memory." Gold sighed when he looked at David. "That's good, then," David said, about to walk away, but Gold stopped him. "No, no. Wrong memories. She now thinks she's a scantily-clad barfly named Lacey. She has a false life. As you did, under the curse with Kathryn. Only hers, apparently, involves a lot more alcohol." Gold sighed when David nodded, understanding Gold's concern.

"What do you want with me?" David asked, not understanding why Gold came to him.

"I want to know how you did it... Even when both your heads were filled with false memories, David Nolan still won Mary Margaret's heart." 

"You want me to help you?" David asked him, sounding unsure and in disbelief. "Well, I'm certainly not here for the over-praised lasagna." Gold sighed, earning a look from Granny, but he ignored it. "You got my wife to murder someone," David said to Gold in a hushed tone.

"Someone who would have killed all of you. And was controlling my daughter... who I know you are very fond of." Gold said when David just looked at him, unsure how to react. "Look, if you don't want to help, that's fine. But if you do, for the first time ever, I'm gonna owe you a favor." Gold said, practically pleading with David.

"All right..." Gold sighed, letting out a breath because he decided to help Gold.

"When Regina cursed Mary Margaret and me, there was still a sliver of Snow and Charming... the real us, inside," David said, trying to explain something that he did not know how to put in words. "So, how do I bring back the real Belle?" Gold asked when David sighed again. 

"Show her the man she fell in love with."

Gold and David walked into the Rabbit Hole when they saw a man talking to "Lacey" at the bar. "You might want to wait outside." Gold said to David, who moved to keep Gold back. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bad idea." David sighed when they watched the guy get up, leaving "Lacey" alone. "Come on," David said, walking to the bar.

Gold walked over to sit next to "Lacey," while David sat a few seats down. "Oh! Mr. Gold? You're back." "Lacey" smiled at him, shocked to see him. "As are you." Gold said when David sat down after taking his coat off. "Well, what can I say, love the ambiance. Hmm..." She said, taking a drink of her alcohol. "Mmm. What is that? Let's get some Panama going on in here." "Lacey" said, referring to the soft rock music playing. "You like Van Halen? You're a Hagar man, aren't you? Huh?" "Lacey" asked before getting up to change the music, while Gold remained quiet.

"What are you doing?" David whispered, loud enough for Gold to hear him.

"We have nothing in common." Gold sighed, looking at David.

"That doesn't matter. You just need a way in. Ask her out. Go on." David said when Gold sighed, getting up from his seat to walk over to the jukebox, where "Lacey" was picking a song. "Lacey?" Gold asked, making her smirk. 

"Yeah?" She asked, turning around to look at him.

"Now that you're back to your old self, perhaps we could spend some time together." Gold said, making "Lacey" raise her brow. "Like a date?" She asked him, sounding hesitant. "Yes. A date..." He nodded with a smile.

"Well, you do know that I'm not this Belle that you're always talking about?" 

"Yes, of course." Gold nodded when "Lacey" clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "I've heard about you, you know... People in town? They're afraid of you, Mr. Gold." "Lacey" said, when Gold sighed, not wanting this new version of Belle that might be permanent to think of him as the monster everyone else looks at him as. "Don't let that deter you. Give me a chance. Please." He said when she put her hands on his hips.

"Okay..." She said after a quick pause. "Tonight. Granny's. Eight o'clock." "Lacey" said, before walking away.

"Not bad, Don Juan," David smirked, walking over to Gold, holding onto his jacket.

"Don Juan was nothing before he made his deal with me." Gold commented when David smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Regardless, you got her to go out with you. Congrats." David said, letting out a chuckle. "Indeed. Now, I just need her to fall in love with me." Gold sighed, looking to where "Lacey" had walked off.

~season 2, episode 19: "Lacey"~

~925 words~

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