Page 66: Finding Out Where Henry Is?

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*A Few Minutes Later*

"We're here, at the southern tip of the isle, in the middle of the Dark Jungle. Pan's camp lies due north." Hook said, explaining the map after Dream handed it to him.

"That's where he's keeping Henry." Dream said when Hook nodded at her. 

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Regina asked, holding onto Dream's hand, comforting her. "Well, the terrain's not easy. And there will undoubtedly be some nasty impediments along the way." Hook said, looking up at Regina, but he was speaking to the whole group.

"We should prepare. We only made it out of our last encounter because Pan let us... We need a new plan." David said, talking to the group.

"Agreed. It's time we stop playing his game, and he starts playing ours." Emma said, agreeing with her father when Regina scoffed at her comment. "And if I disagree?" Regina asked the others, mainly Emma. "Go ahead. But I think you know our best chance is together... And you heard your daughter; she can't lose anyone else." Emma said, making Regina sigh when she looked at Dream.

"You better be right." Regina scoffed, looking at Emma, before kissing the top of Dream's head and walking off with Emma and her parents, leaving Hook and Dream.

"Excellent show of patience, love." Hook smirked at Dream, stopping her before she turned to follow the others. He handed her the map back before getting his rum bottle from his satchel. "And that's what defeats a nasty little boy." He continued before offering the bottle to Dream.

"I hope so..." Dream smiled before noticing the bottle. "Is rum your solution to everything?" She asked him, furrowing her brows.

"Well, it certainly doesn't hurt." He smirked, taking a drink of the rum after she shook her head at his offer. He offered it again, but this time she took the bottle, taking a small drink, before coughing due to the burn in her throat. Hook chuckled while she handed him the bottle back. "It does hurt, actually..." She said when he smiled at her.

"So, just how did you unlock the map? I wasn't around for much of the heart-to-heart..." He asked her, while she just shrugged. 

"I did what Pan asked." She said while looking into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Just who are you, love?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Dream smirked when she felt a boost of confidence. "Perhaps I would." Hook smirked, about to lean closer to her, causing her breath to hitch in her throat.

Dream cleared her throat, making Hook move back before she sighed, looking over to the others. "We might want to join the others..." She sighed when he nodded, watching her walk over to the others.

The others began to prepare at the camp while Dream walked away, waiting for some quiet. She found a bush of berries since they might need any food that they could find. 


Dream sighed to herself when she heard Pan's voice again. "You did it... Lost Girl." Pan smirked when Dream rolled her eyes, only looking at the berries. "You don't mind if I call you a Lost Girl, do you?" He asked when Dream tried not to show that she was scared by him, especially after what they went through. 

"Call me what you like... It won't stop me from finding Henry." Dream said, continuing to pick the berries, despite the fact that her hands were shaking from being terrified of this boy who looked younger than her. 

"Oh, I'm counting on that. There's a reason I tested you." Pan smirked when he continued to stay behind Dream, pacing a bit. 

"Really?" Dream asked, furrowing her brows as she looked at him.

"You haven't forgiven your father for abandoning you. And your mother for lying to you your whole life. Your little brother for bringing Emma to town, who "ruined" the life you thought you had. And for not being there when you lost your actual brother." Pan smirked when Dream stood up, holding back her frustration. "Don't deny it. You haven't. That's good... really good. Because when you find Henry, you'll understand him." He continued when Dream raised her brow, letting her eyes glow again.

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

"He hasn't forgiven Emma... By the time you get to him, he'll never want to leave this island." Pan said, when Dream felt a pit in her stomach, looking down. "We'll see... I know Henry better than anyone else." Dream said, scoffing, when her eyes went back to normal. 

Dream bent back down, picking up the berries that she picked, placing them in her hand, before turning to go back to the others. "And as for you, Dream... when we're finished, you won't just feel lost. You will be." Pan said, while Dream's face still faced him, before she walked away. No more wasting time. They needed to find Henry, now.

~season 3, episode 2: "Lost Girl"~

~813 words~

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