Page 2: Welcome to Storybrooke:

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*30 Years Ago*

"Yeah, there you go. That's it..." A father said as he showed his son how to make a bracelet. "Little tighter... Now, pull the loops as tight as you can. Yeah! Look at that, huh? I mean, it's not bad for your first one." The father smiled when his son finished the bracelet.

"Green and red, like Luke and Darth's lightsabers." The little boy smiled when he referred to his favorite movie, Star Wars.

"Hey, here is one for your collection." The father smiled when he took his keys out of his puffy jacket pocket while unlinking a smaller version of what his son was making before handing it to him. "Your, uh, grandpa taught me how to make these when I was your age." The father smiled at him.

"You're giving it to me? It's mine now?" He asked his dad, making his dad smile as he reached it to him. "You weren't very good at this my age, were you?" He laughed, making his dad fake a laugh, which only made the two of them laugh more.

"All right, smart guy..." The dad sighed before getting his watch out of his pocket. "Yeah, time to get dinner started." He said when they started to get up, just as the wind started to pick up, getting intense within seconds.

The dad looked confused when he walked over, checking the radio that suddenly turned on, but it was all static with a little frequency. "What is that?" The little boy asked, looking up at the sky and seeing a dark purple and green cloud coming their way. "Probably an electrical storm." The dad suggested when the young boy jumped at the thunder and lightning. "Put the fire out. Get in the tent!" The dad said when they put out the fire as the storm kept getting worst.

"Owen..." The dad said to his son when they peeked out of the tent, seeing the low and dark cloud coming their way. "We're gonna be all right, kid." He said, holding his son until the next morning.

The next morning, the dad, Kurt Flynn, got out first when he was shocked to see what he was seeing. The storm left a mess in the woods, where they had their campfire. Owen followed his father, seeing their campsite in a mess, their chairs were broken, and Kurt's car had a tree on it. 

"Woah... What kind of storm was that?" Owen asked his father.

"It's a big one." Kurt sighed before he took his bag, along with Owen's, while they started walking through the woods with his map, finding the road that they were on earlier, so he could find a gas station or someplace to get his car towed. "The highway should be just over that ridge, and then we'll get a ride to the nearest town," Kurt said, looking at his map when Owen stopped.

"Dad?" Owen said, walking towards what he was looking at, but Kurt kept talking to himself since Owen really was not listening.

"That's what you get for camping in the boonies, I guess..."

"Dad," Owen repeated, finally getting his dad's attention. "What?" Kurt asked when he followed his son to see a whole town that pretty much appeared overnight. 


They saw a whole town they were looking at from the cliff before going down to check it out. This was not here yesterday. "We drove through here yesterday; there was nothing here. It's like someone dropped a town ... right on top of us." Kurt said when he looked up at a clock tower that was on top of a library with Owen.

A car pulled up behind them, making Kurt turn to see a guy get out of the car that looked like a sheriff's car. "You need some help? You two look lost." The sheriff asked the two of them, placing his hands on his hips. "Who are you? What is this place?" Kurt asked him, furrowing his brows as he just kept getting confused.

"Name's Graham. I'm the Sheriff. Welcome to Storybrooke."

~season 2, episode 17: "Welcome to Storybrooke"~

~675 words~

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