Page 44: Doing What's Right:

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*A Little Bit Later*

"We have the bean!" David announced to the people waiting in Granny's. 

The group of dwarves, Granny, Ruby, Archie, Henry, and Mary Margaret cheered when David moved to help Dream, who felt drained again. "Here, sit down, love." Hook said, trying to move Dream over to the booth. "I'm fine." Dream said, before coughing, when David moved to help her sit down in the booth, making Hook scoff again.

"You did it?" Emma asked when she walked into the diner when Dream noticed the rose vase.

"Yeah." David nodded, placing a hand on Dream's back.

"Why do you have that?" Dream asked when Emma had just set the rose on the table. "You okay?" Emma asked, seeing the cut on her dad's sleeve, ignoring Dream's question. "Oh, it's a graze. It's fine." David said when Hook tilted his head, looking at the rose, seeing Dream cough when a petal fell off it.

"Okay, let's get going. Henry?" Emma said before turning to walk over to her son.

"Where's my mom?" Henry asked when Dream turned to look at them. "Regina can hold off the self-destruct device long enough for us to escape. But..." Emma paused while she was afraid to tell Henry the truth. "But what?" Henry asked her when Emma sighed, looking up at her mother.

"She won't survive." Emma sighed when she looked back at Henry.

"What?" Dream asked when David and Mary Margaret looked at Emma in disbelief. "No. No!" Henry shook his head, moving away from Emma.

"Henry, I'm sorry. I promise her I'd get you and Dream to safety--" Emma tried to tell him.

"But we can't do this. She's family. We don't leave family behind." Henry argued when Emma tried to calm him down. "I know... but this is what she wants. We have a way out. We have to take it." Emma said, making Dream stand up when David rushed to make sure she could stand. 

"It's what she wants?" Dream scoffed at Emma.

"We saved her from being killed by the Wraith!" Henry fought, not wanting to lose his dad and one of his moms. "How is this any different?" Henry continued to ask his mother.

"The Wraith..." Mary Margaret said, looking at Henry when Emma stood up to look at her mother.

"What?" Emma asked her.

"We sent it through a portal... Why can't we do the same thing with the self-destruct?" Mary Margaret continued to ask when Emma sighed. "Because we don't know if it's gonna work," Emma said, making Dream scoff again.

"It could." Dream spoke up, making Emma turn to look at her.

"Yeah," David said, agreeing with his wife and Dream. "It's too risky. No one will go along with it." Emma said to her parents.

"Yes, we will," Archie spoke up. He moved to place a hand on Dream's shoulder, giving her a smile. "'Cause it's the right thing to do. Look, Snow White and the Prince have always led us before, and we've always won. So, who's willing to let them lead us again?" Archie asked when the others in Granny's raised their hands up, agreeing with Archie.

"Thank you, Archie." Dream smiled at him.

"Oh, this is what we should do." Mary Margaret said, wrapping her arms around Henry. "And will do," David added, with his arm still around Dream's shoulders. "I know we haven't had a lot of chances to be parents, but give us this one. Let us do the right thing. It's not too late." Mary Margaret continued to say, looking at her daughter when Henry moved to hug his sister.

"I just don't want him to be alone... I don't want him to grow up the way I did." Emma said, sighing when she looked at Henry, who was hugging Dream.

Suddenly, another Earthquake happened. This caused everyone to move, trying to hold onto something. "This plan could fail. If we use that bean now, and we can get away for sure. We will survive." Emma said when Dream held onto Henry again. "But it's wrong... Emma, I killed her mother... I can't do it to Dream." Mary Margaret sighed when she looked at the brunette girl.

"You did that to Cora because you had to," Emma said when David stopped Dream from charging toward Emma.

"I did it because it was easy... It was a mistake. There were other paths. Harder paths. And I wish I had taken them." Mary Margaret sighed when she looked at Dream before stepping forward to Emma. "So, please, Emma, honey... let's take the hard path. Because if we don't, we will be building a future on Regina's blood." Mary Margaret continued when Emma looked at her mother, then at Henry and Dream, then finally at David.

"Okay..." Emma said when David tossed Emma the pouch with the bean, but Hook grabbed it.

"You're all mad." Hook said when Emma and Dream went to stop him, while David stayed close to the girls. "Wait! I got it!" Dream said to Emma and David. "I can live with myself--" Hook went to say.

"Give it back, Hook." Dream said when Hook turned to the shorter, brunette girl. 

"If she wants to die for us, I say let her, love." Hook said, only looking at Dream. "You and I, we understand each other... Look out for yourself, and you'll never get hurt, right?" Emma spoke up while Hook continued to look at Dream. "Worked quite well for me." Hook said, looking over to Emma.

"Yeah, until the day that it doesn't. We're doing this. It might be stupid... it might be crazy, but we're doing it." Emma said when she did not believe in this plan either, but she knew that she had to do it.

"So, you can join us and be a part of something... Or you can do what you can do best and be alone." Dream spoke up again, making Hook tilt his head when he looked at her. She held her hand out when he looked into her greenish-brown eyes. He held up the pouch, sighing to himself. "Quite passionate, love." He said, putting the pouch in her hand when the others started to walk out.

"Thank you." Dream said softly, giving Hook a smile before she walked out with David, who had grabbed the rose's vase.

Emma went to follow her family and the others, but Hook stopped her. "Why are you really doing this?" Hook asked, whispering to Emma, who sighed. "That kid just lost his father today. And she just lost her brother... I'm not letting them lose a mother, too." Emma sighed when Hook furrowed his brows.

"His father? Who's Henry's father?"

"Neal," Emma said when Hook's eyes widened.

"Baelfire?" He asked her.

"Yeah." Emma nodded, not sure why Hook cared so much, before she walked out, leaving Hook.

~season 2, episode 22: "And Straight on 'til Morning"~

~1121 words~

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