Page 9: Running:

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Regina went to the kitchen, glancing at Dream who was laying down on the couch, cuddled up to a blanket. Regina sighed, when she used her magic to make the rose appear on the kitchen aisle, when she saw that the rose was still bloomed. A few petals were scattered on the tray, but Dream was fine. It was pure red with the glowing white dust around it. Regina sighed, when she used magic to make the glass vase go back to her vault, when her phone started to ring. "Hello?" She asked, seeing an unknown number.

"Hi, is this Henry's mother?" A man asked on the other end, but Regina did not recognize his voice, right off the bat. "Who's asking?" Regina asked, glancing into the living room, seeing Dream moving to look up at the ceiling. "My name's Greg Mendell." The man said to her, when Regina furrowed her brows, despite Greg not being about to see her face.

"Who?" Regina asked him.

"The guy that crashed his car outside of town... See, I was out here hiking in the woods, and he was running by the White Pine Trail. And he was all by himself." Greg said, walking back to his car, by the hiking trail, while he looked around, checking to see if he could see Henry.

"What was he doing out there? Is he okay?" Regina asked, when Dream seemed to see her mother's concerned face, when she sat up, looking through the opened door.

"I don't know... he ran off. But he seemed a little upset, and I just thought that you would want to know, that's all." 

"I'm on my way." Regina said, handing up her phone, when she walked to grab her purse from the chair by the couch. "Where are you going?" Dream asked, when Regina stopped to look at her. "Henry's out in the woods... Come on. You can stay in the car. I'm not leaving you alone again." Regina said, moving to help Dream stand up.

"Why? Because I'm fragile?" Dream asked, making Regina scoff, when she moved to grab Dream's jacket.

"Don't start with the attitude, Dream Daniella. I'm still your mother." Regina said, when she helped Dream put her jacket on. "I never said you weren't... I'm just saying that I've been through a lot these past two years, and I can handle being on my own." Dream said, when Regina just opened the front door. "Of course you can. You're a Mills. But right now... I have mommy orders that say otherwise." Regina said, helping Dream out to the car.

*30 Years Ago*

"What's going on, Dad? What do they want?" Owen asked, panicking out, as his dad drove like a mad man to get out of town. Kurt did not say anything as he heard the sirens of Graham's car, while Graham and Regina followed Kurt's car. "We're gonna get out of here!" Kurt yelled, not answering his son's questions. "Come on!" He yelled at his car, when Graham pulled the sheriff car up to the side of Kurt's car. 

"Dad!" Owen screamed out as Graham rammed the side of the sheriff car into the side of Kurt's car.

"Look out!" Kurt yelled, due to his window being down as a car was coming Graham and Regina's way.

"Dad!" Owen yelled out of fear again.

Graham swerved, missing the car as he kept up with Kurt, ending up behind his car again. "Faster, Dad!" Owen yelled as Kurt turned down a back street, trying to lose Graham, but Graham keep on Kurt's tail, while they continued to swerve cars going down the street. Graham ended up, deciding to take a short cut route to the town line to cut off Kurt, but he ended up running over a bench.

"I think we lost them." Kurt said, calmly out of relief, when he thought that he lost Graham, when they were coming up to the town sign.

"Dad!" Owen yelled, seeing the sheriff car coming from the woods, blocking the way. Kurt stepped on the brake so that he did not crash into the sheriff car. Before anyone got out of their cars, Kurt turned to Owen. "All right, listen to me. Run into the woods. Get as far away as you can. You call your uncle. Go." Kurt said, before glancing over to see Graham getting out.

"No. Not without you." Owen fought, scared to lose his mother and father.

Kurt looked back, seeing that Owen was squeezing the keychain that they made together. "There's a reason I gave you that. Because as long as you have it, I'll always be with you. You can do this. So do it. Run! Go! Go! Run!" Kurt said, when Graham came up to the side of the car, opening Kurt's door.

Owen got out, trying to run out of town, while Kurt tried to fight Graham as Regina got out of the car. "You may have this whole town wrapped around your finger, but not my son! You can't force him to stay with you!" Kurt said to Regina, until Graham got the upperhand, causing Owen to turn to look at his father. "Dad!" Owen cried out. "Don't stop! Run! Run!" Kurt yelled, when Graham pushed him against the sheriff car, handcuffing him.

"Owen?" Regina said, calmly, when she walked to the other side of the car. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you." She reassured him, walking up to him.

"Why are you doing this?" Owen asked, tears in his eyes.

"I just want you to stay with me..." Regina said, walking over to place her hands on his shoulders to calm him down. "You said you liked it here. You want to stay here, don't you?" Regina asked, while Owen looked at her, crying, as Graham put Kurt in the back of the cop car. 

"Not like this..."

"I'm sorry..." Regina sighed, when she paused for a moment, watching Owen tear up. "I just wanted us to be happy." She sighed, when she stood back up, moving her hands as Owen backed up before running out of town.

"Run, Owen..." Kurt said, watching his boy from the back of the cop car. Regina started to tear up, before looking at Graham who was waiting for her by the cop car.

*Present Day*

"What's that, Dreamy?" Regina asked, driving to the hiking trail.

"Nothing... Just something I found." Dream said, when she leaned back in her seat, while she looked at the keychain that showed her memories of a little boy named Owen. "Did you know anyone named Owen?" Dream asked, closing her fist around the keychain, when she turned to look at Regina who kept her eyes on the road.

"No... Owen? I don't believe I have." Regina lied, continuing to look ahead at the road. "Why do you ask?" She asked, glancing at Dream, quickly.

"No reason... Just had a weird dream, or something." Dream lied, when she shrugged, looking out the window.

"That does sound weird, sweetie." Regina said, before pulling off to the side to head up the hiking trail. "I'll be right back, after I find what Henry's up to." Regina said, cracking the windows, before getting out of the car. She did not walk around to find Henry, but used her magic.

~season 2, episode 17: "Welcome to Storybrooke"~

~1202 words~

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