55|Castiel's Last Night on Earth

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Cass directed us to the Waterville Sheriff's Department in Maine. Apparently a deputy sheriff saw the archangel that killed him, and he still had eyes. Cass wanted to tell him the truth, but Dean pointed out that when humans want something really, really bad, we lie.

"Why?" came Cass's confused demand.

"Because that's how you become President," I smiled.

Inside, we approached the deputy, Dean taking the lead.

"Deputy Framingham?"

He turned to face us, Dean flashing his fake badge.

"Hi. Alonzo Mosely, FBI. These are my partners, Gail Nelson and Eddie Moscone."

I held up my badge, though Cass didn't move.

"Also FBI," Dean pressed.

When Castiel still didn't move, I nudged him subtly, and he finally reached in and grabbed the new fake ID that Dean had given him, displaying it upside down. Dean rolled his eyes, reaching over and flipping the badge over.

"He's, uh, new," Dean apologized to the deputy. "Mind if we ask you a few questions?"

Castiel was looking at the ID in his hand curiously and I shook my head in exasperation.

"Yeah, sure," Framingham nodded. "Talk here, though."

He indicated his right ear, leading the three of us into his office.

"Hearing's all blown to hell in this one," he referenced his left ear.

"That happen recently?" I inquired.

"Yeah. Gas station. Why you're here, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," Dean lied smoothly.

Cass, the deputy and I took a seat, Dean standing at my shoulder due to the lack of another chair.

"You mind just, uh, running us through what happened?" Dean asked.

"A call came in," the deputy began. "Disturbance at the Pump and Go on Route 4."

"What kind of disturbance?"

"Would not have believed my eyes if I hadn't seen it myself. We're talking a riot. Full scale."

"How many?" I queried.

"Thirty, forty, in all-out kill-or-be-killed combat?" the deputy shrugged.

"Any idea what set them off?"

"It's angels and demons, probably," Cass pointed out in a low voice.

I closed my eyes, sucking my lips in between my teeth and letting them go slowly as Framingham gave Castiel a weird look.

"They're skirmishing all over the globe," the angel continued.

"Come again?" Framingham asked, looking over at Dean and I with a 'is this guy serious?' look. "What did he say?"

"Nothing. Nothing," Dean and I chorused as Castiel spoke at the same time.

"Demons. Demons."

On my glare, Cass shut his mouth as Dean tried to save the moment.

"Demons, you know, drink, adultery. We all have our demons, Walt."

Framingham still looked skeptical as he looked back and forth between us and Cass.

"I guess," he agreed slowly.

"Anyway," I shot another look at Castiel to keep him quiet. "What happened next?"

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