3|Sam Didn't Do It

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After letting the woman out, Sam came back in to talk. He took a seat on the couch next to me, making sure to leave a good amount of space in between us. Dean was standing over him with his arms crossed while Bobby stood off to the side.

"So tell me, what'd it cost?" Dean demanded.

"The girl?" Sam smiled. "I don't pay, Dean."

"That's not funny, Sam. To bring me back. What'd it cost? Was it just your soul, or was it something worse?"

"You think I made a deal?"

"That's exactly what we think," Bobby said.

"Well I didn't," Sam insisted.

No, because this isn't a demon thing. It's an angel thing...

"Don't lie to me," Dean snarled.

"I'm not lying."

"So what now, I'm off the hook and you're on, is that it? You're some demon's bitch-boy? I didn't want to be saved like this."

Sam stood angrily, matching Dean's tone.

"Look, Dean, I wish I had done it, alright?"

"There's no other way this could have gone down," Dean grabbed the front of Sam's shirt. "It wasn't Bobby or Ellie. Now tell the truth!"

"I tried everything!" Sam yelled, breaking out of Dean's grip. "That's the truth. I tried opening the Devil's Gate. Hell, I tried to bargain, Dean, but no demon would deal, alright? You were rotting in Hell for months. For months, and I couldn't stop it. So I'm sorry it wasn't me, alright? Dean, I'm sorry."

Dean's entire demeanor changed, deflating with Sam's words.

"It's okay, Sammy. You don't have to apologize, I believe you."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm gladdened that Sam's soul remains in tact, but it does raise a sticky question," Bobby pointed out.

"If he didn't pull you out, then what did?" I asked.

Sam had disappeared to grab a couple of beers. Dean had moved to sit on the couch next to me and Bobby had pulled over a chair.

"You can't say my name," Dean stated. "Hell, you've barely looked at me since we left Bobby's."

I was saved from coming up with a response by the return of Sam. He handed out the bottles of beer and then pulled up another chair.

"So what were you doing around here if you weren't digging me out of my grave?" Dean inquired.

"Well, once I figured out I couldn't save you, I started hunting down Lilith, trying to get some payback."

"All by yourself," Bobby took on an accusatory tone. "Who do you think you are, your old man?"

Dean spotted something and frowned, crossing over to it while Sam addressed Bobby.

"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry, Bobby. I should have called. I was really messed up."

"Oh, yeah," Dean held up a pink flowery bra, "I really feel your pain."

"Anyway, uh, I was checking these demons out of Tennessee, and out of nowhere they took a hard left, booked up here."

"When?" I asked.

"Yesterday morning," Sam shrugged.

"When I busted out," Dean noted, taking back his seat on the couch.

"You think these demons are here cause of you?" Bobby asked Dean.

"But why?" Sam added.

"Well, I don't know- some badass demon drags me out and now this? It's gotta be connected somehow."

"How you feelin', anyway?"

"I'm a little hungry," Dean admitted.

"No," Bobby shook his head, "I mean, do you feel like yourself? Anything strange or different?"

"Or demonic? Bobby, how many times do I have to prove I'm me?"

"Yeah, well listen. No demon's letting you loose out of the goodness of their hearts. They've gotta have something nasty planned."

"Well, I feel fine."

"Okay, look," Sam started, "we don't know what they're planning. We got a big pile of questions and no shovel. We need help."

I could feel both Bobby and Dean's gazes on me, but busied myself picking underneath one of my thumb nails so I wouldn't have to mention that I knew Dean was back before he showed up. Hopefully neither of them would say anything, because I really didn't want to have all three of them looking at me like that.

"I know a psychic," Bobby announced. "A few hours from here. Something this big, maybe she's heard the other side talking."

"Hell yeah, it's worth a shot," Dean agreed, but I could still feel his eyes on me as he said it.

"I'll be right back."

Bobby left the room and Dean stood up to leave as well.

"Hey, wait," Sam stood. "You probably want this back."

I looked over to see Sam take off Dean's amulet and place it in Dean's hand.

"Thanks," Dean told him.

"Yeah, don't mention it," Sam smiled a little as Dean slipped the necklace over his head. "Hey Dean, what was it like?"

"What, Hell? I don't know, I, I must have blacked it out. I don't remember a damn thing."

"Well, thank God for that."


Dean disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Sam and I alone together.

"Hey, Sammy," I spoke after a minute.

"Ellie," Sam looked over at me. 

Another bout of awkward silence blanketed the room after that. It never used to be weird during the times where it was just Sam and I alone in a room together. It didn't happen a lot, but there were times like now where Dean would step out and it would just be the two of us. Usually, we easily found a topic of conversation or could even sit in complete silence without it being awkward, but the atmosphere just felt off now. Everything changed the night of the confrontation with Lilith, and after Sam and I both took off to do our own things, it was like we didn't know how to interact with each other any more.

I pulled out my phone, a thought occurring to me suddenly. Opening Brigham's contact, I sent him a quick text.

«« Leaving my car behind at a motel two hours from you. I'll send you the exact location once we leave. Take care of her for me.

Bobby and Dean got back at the same time.

"Ready?" Bobby asked us.

I stood from the couch, bringing up the rear as we all headed out to the cars.

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