30|Saving the Seal

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At the funeral home, Tessa and the first reaper were laying in the middle of an open space where a square with triangles on the corners was drawn to form an eight-point star with squiggles at each point. On the far side of the reaper trap was a man standing guard. Using the knowledge Cole had taught us, we ganged up on him to beat him up, until another man came out carrying a chain and making pained noises. The man we'd been beating up scrambled away as the second man pulled the chain tight and hooked it to a candle stand.

"It's iron," Sam stated, referencing the chain.

The second man let go of the chain. His hands were smoking. The brothers and I looked around to see the chain completely surrounding us. We were trapped. A third man came in then, smirking at us.

"Boys, Eleanor. Find the place okay?"

His eyes rolled to show pure white orbs- Alastair. Once his eyes returned to normal, he walked up to the chain that trapped Sam, Dean and I. One of the other demons handed him a shotgun and left. After checking it, Alastair aimed at Dean and fired, causing him to disintegrate.

"Rock salt's not so much fun anymore, is it?" he smirked.

Sam and I glared back at him, not responding as Dean rematerialized.

"Alastair," he spat. "You bastard."

"Well, go on," Alastair addressed Sam, ignoring Dean's statement. "Why don't you try some of your mojo on me now, hotshot?"

Dean and I glanced over at Sam who was fuming.

"It's hard to get it up when you're not wearing your meat, huh?" the demon taunted.

"Go to Hell," Sam growled.

"Ah, if only I could," Alastair turned away, crossing the room. "But they just keep sending me back up to this arctic craphole."

"To kill death?" I quirked an eyebrow.

"No, to kill death twice," he corrected. "It takes two to break a seal. I figured another one would show up, though. They're like lemmings."

Pumping the shotgun, he aimed once more, this time making Sam disappear before stalking back up to the chain.

"By the way, it's, uh, good to see you again, Dean."

"You can shoot us all you want, but you can't kill us," Dean said as Sam rematerialized.

"Ah, that so?" Alastair challenged, shooting me so I vaporized.

When I came back into the iron circle, Alastair had replaced his gun with a scythe and was heading over to where the two reapers still laid.

"Don't you think?" he asked, a continuation of part of the conversation I'd missed.

He placed the scythe behind the neck of the male reaper and started chanting.

"Hic cruor messorius, illud sigillum, quod luciferem reverendum obstringit, aperiat ut resurgat!"

A white-blue light shone from the reaper as Alastair pulled the weapon across his neck. When it disappeared, he lowered the dead reaper to the floor and straightened up. I glanced up, noticing the iron chandelier over the reaper trap. I glanced over at the brothers and back at the chandelier as Alastair moved on to Tessa, who had awoken.

"Stop!" she cried out.

I concentrated on the chandelier as the demon started his incantation once more, the Winchesters also focusing once they caught on to what I was trying to do. Tessa watched us as the chandelier began to shake over Alastair's head. As he got to the end of the spell, it fell, breaking the reaper trap before he could kill Tessa with the scythe. Instead, she disappeared and rematerialized by the candle stand he had hooked the chain to.

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