29|Fight Club with a Twelve-Year-Old

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The woman led the way back into the kitchen and then turned back to face us.

"You don't remember me?" she asked Dean.

"Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time I heard a girl say that..." Dean smirked a little. "You're gonna have to refresh my memory."

Instead of responding, the woman stepped forward, reached up, and pulled Dean in for a kiss. After a moment, she pulled back and Dean watched her for a moment.


"That's one of my names, yeah," the woman, Tessa, nodded.

"So you do know her," I said, hands clenched at my sides.

"From the hospital after the accident," Dean confirmed.

"The accident with Dad?" Sam inquired and Dean nodded.

"So, this is the reaper that came after you," I said, glaring over at Tessa.


Tessa looked over at Sam, then at me.

"Well, this was fun," she said, then turned back to Dean. "Now, if you'll excuse me-"

She moved to leave, but Dean stopped her before she could go anywhere.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, you can't- you can't take the kid."

"Why?" Tessa demanded.

"Demons are in town, that's why," I piped up. "They've already snatched your reaper pal. The kid knows where."

"So?" she turned her attention to me.

"So, you should shag ass," Sam informed her. "For all we know, they could try and snatch you, too."

"Except that this town is off the rails," the reaper pointed out.

Mrs. Griffith came in from the dining room, grabbed something off a side table, put her hair up, and then left again. Sam and I watched her the entire time.

"And someone has to set it straight," Tessa continued.

"Yeah, we understand that," Dean nodded, "but these are special circumstances."

"What? Your whole angel-demon dance-off?" the reaper scoffed. "I could care less. I just want to do my job."

"Right, yeah, and, look, we want to help you do your job," Sam said. "So, if you would just bail town-"


"Well, then, could you hold off until we fix this?" Dean asked her. "Please?"

Tessa stared at him for a long moment, and then gave a sigh.

"Alright, but just so we're clear, when I start reaping again, I'm starting with the kid."

"Understood," I nodded. "I'll find him."

I turned to head upstairs, but was stopped by Dean's voice.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. What-"

I turned back to stare at him.

"What are you gonna say to him?" he asked, green eyes wide as he stared back at me.

"Whatever I have to," I shrugged.

Once again, I turned and headed up the stairs, feeling all three pairs of eyes on me as I went.

Heading into Cole's room, I looked around before sitting down next to the open closet where I had seen Cole hiding. I didn't turn to look at him as I spoke.

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