꧁🥀✻☘✻☘🌷꧂Chapter 50

Start from the beginning

You look very shocked," Someone sold them out to the gang." Oh my gosh.

"Yes...your mom and dad got all the information, your dad put all this new drug processing into a file, and he hid it away..or he gave to someone they trust. The bust was scheduled for after two days. But---two days before the bust, your parents got safely out and decided to fly back to Osaka where they planned to start a new life...but that fateful night.Ren was looking after you at their house while your parents are at work. They're all planning to escape that night on a private charter arranged by the police. They'd be in a safe house with witness protection."

"Oh my gosh, Blimey!!!"Didn't they get away?" You appeared astounded beyond belief. It sounds like a scene from a Hollywood mafia film.

"Unfortunately...but Ren grabbed you and hid you in a secret room with a lattice window at your parents' request. She was quick because the house was being invaded at the same moment. That night, your parents were tortured and murdered. Ren was never able to recover from the horror she witnessed. You were there when your parents were killed by a sword." Her eyes welled up with sorrow.

You sobbed uncontrollably. No wonder you'd dreamed for years of people being murdered, a dark room, blood splatters on the lattice window, and a hand covering your lips so you wouldn't scream. You were having night terrors after night terrors. Your foster parents took you to various therapists, but none of them could explain your dreams. You now understand what those dreams were about.

" Ren and her husband took care of you...but what you didn't know is that you have an older brother and sister--" she grinned at your surprised expression.

"I have a family? Siblings? Are they still alive?" your heart is pounding faster. You've got a family. Wow!

"They did, my dear, live with your grandparents in Osaka.They were between the ages of twelve and thirteen. Your parents were concerned for their safety and sent them to your mothers' parents. Ren and Haru took care of you for a year. Nobody knew about their involvement, but their deaths were discovered one unlucky day in a forest near a crash. --A light aircraft had a faulty engine, and according to reports, they were killed in that crash...but I knew it was foul play," she said, her face sad." I discovered a letter from Ren in my mailbox, dated a week before their death, begging me to hide you away. I had to take you to your grandparents or, if that was too risky. Hide you in plain sight in an orphanage and keep all your files under your mother's surname, Sagami. She went undercover as Sukura Tanaka...the leader of the gang was looking for you and your siblings. Your grandparents were also warned to the potential threat and abruptly left Japan, settling in Denmark for years. I was the only one who knew you'd been placed in the Crystal Creek Home's care."

"So my family never looked for me...they just forgot about me?' You appear glum since you know your family doesn't care about you.

"They did, but the police had a report that you were killed in the crash with your foster parents. The case is closed. I was the only one who knew where you were and was always on the watch for you. I promised myself that when you're old enough and out of harm's way, I'll tell you all the secrets. But you were too young...and then you were adopted by an English couple. I was overjoyed because you are no longer in danger. No, evil eyes are on you...but the gang believes your father has hidden the information in one of your belongings. Because of Ren, they are continuously harassing me for information regarding your parents' things." Ichika sighs as she looks into your worried eyes.

"Why do they want me?" You've got a terrified expression.

"To be honest, I have no idea what they're searching for...Ren's house, as well as your family's home, was ransacked from top to bottom." She appeared calculating at first.

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