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"Can I get a piggy back ride?" Jungkook asks in aegyo while loosely tying his arms around Hoseok's neck.

"Sure Kook." Hoseok offers a warm smile and gets on one knee. The maknae claps in excitement and climbs onto Hoseok's back. The Hyung places his hands under his thighs for security and lifts his weight up to continue their walk to the convince store.

"Damn, your morning jogs really do work." Hoseok smirks while massaging Jungkook's thighs.

"Hyung~stop." The maknae wriggles around, giggling.

"Fuck the shut up." Yoongi walks past them.

"You're just jealous." Hoseok snaps back.

"Maybe I am?" Yoongi shurgs casually. Hoseok is surprised at how Yoongi just agreed with him with no argument whatsoever.

"Or maybe you two are just annoying space wasters."

"And there it is." Hoseok nods to himself.

"Woah, next week's Christmas already?" Namjoon shocking looks at the device in his hand which displays the date.

"Time flew by so fast." Seokjin comments looking out into the distance. Namjoon hums in response.

"It feels so weird to hold my phone in my hands." Namjoon fiddles with the device which he last held while packing his bags on his day of escape.

He continues to swipe through his phone tapping and opening on random apps. In his random tapping spree, he enters his message app. Countless amounts of texts and voice messages from his mother.

Namjoon where are you?

This is complete stupid behaviour!

Come back home at this instant!

Where are you?

You're going to miss the big maths competition!

We are concerned about you. Your father has put posters up.

All this for the stupid uneducated girl? When will you come back to your senses?

Not wanting to read anymore, he stops. He then selects and drags the messages to the bin, officially deleting his parents from his life. He then sighs, oblivious to two wide pairs of curious eyes stuck onto him. It is not until he feels a tap on his shoulder that Namjoon drags his attention to him.

"Yes Minnie?" He sweetly responds, smiling down at him and let's Jimin's presence wipe away the dark cloud that has been brewing above his head.

"C-can I see?" He unintentionally pouts and points at the phone in Namjoon's hand. Namjoon's eyes move to the object and back at Jimin.

"Sure." He hands it to him. Jimin accepts it with both his hands and twinkling eyes.

"Wow." He whispers to himself as he holds it as if it were the most pressious thing in the world.

Namjoon stares at Jimin's effortlessly gorgeous looks. Captivating appearance and soothing aura that emits from him. The harsh wind blowing through Jimin's short hair and pinken his cheeks throughout the process. His wide eyes stuck to the screen, his coloured plump lips parted in amazement and fingers tapping and sliding away, exploring the many wonders of the phone he's never held before.

"H-How do you take pictures?" Jimin asks completely clueless, not wanting to ruin anything. Namjoon doesn't ask if he's never used a phone before. He's not stupid. Judging from Jimin's behaviour, it's super obvious.

"Here, let me show you." Namjoon kindly explains to him.

"Cool." Jimin gasps. "Hyung take a picture with me!" He shows a wide toothy smile.

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