Welcome To Hell

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Fifteen days later...

"Hey ugly people!" Yoongi runs up the hill to the meet the boys. A rare smile on his face. He looks around to find the place deserted. His smile drops.

"Where the fuck are th-"

"Are you sure this is sanitary?"

"Sure. I mean, it won't kill us."

"This tastes good."

"Taehyung dont eat the whipped cream!"

Yoongi hears their voices from afar. He runs further up the hill and peaks over to see the guys all seated on a huge rock in the middle of the sea, drenched from head to toe. Taehyung has a can of whipped cream in his hand and Seokjin holds a shaving razor.

"What the fuck are y'all doin'!?" He yells. Their heads snap to his direction in confusion but when they spot him, they smile.

"Yoongi hyung! Come down here!" Jimin waves him over."

"What are you doing?!" He asks again.

"We decided it was time we shaved so Jungkook and I went to the store to get a razor and shaving cream but there wasn't any shaving cream so we got whipped cream instead! Then we realised if we bought seven razors it would be out of the budget cause the whipped cream was so expensive so we got one and here we are!" Hoseok explains. Yoongi listens with a, 'what is wrong with them' expression.

"You all are mentally unstable!!!"

"So are you!" Hoseok shoots back.

"I will fuck you up!!!"

"I'd like to see you try from up there!"

"Watch." Yoongi stomps away to them.


"Good, now that you're here. It's your turn. You need it." Seokjin shoves the whipped cream and razor over to him.

"No. I need to show you something right now."

"First shave and then we'll go with you." Taehyung smiles at him.

Yoongi sighs and sprays the cream into his hands and applies it.

'how did my life come to this'

"Hehe. Now he really looks like a grandpa." Taehyung giggles and Yoongi shoves him into the water.


"Oh my Gucci."

"It's beautiful."

"How did you even..."


"No way..."


The boy watches smugly at their reaction.

The cave has now lit up by lights installed ubove and a few fairy lights here and there. A black L shaped couch blankets and pillows sit and faces a TV up on a "wall". A small coffee table infront of the couch, a table at the corner with a kettle on it. The floors are now tiled and by the entrance, a rug with the words, 'Welcome To Hell' embroidered on it. Finally, a garage door is installed and a generator powers everything.

"Y-Yoongi who'd you even do this?" Seokjin walks in, a hand over his mouth.

"How'd he even afford these?" Jimin follows.

"I know a guy who owed me alot of money. He's dead now, though. He was really weak. An easy kill." Yoongi trails off. The others look at him expecting him to smirk or any sign that he was joking but nothing.

"Aaanyways. This is really cool Hyung. Thank you." Jungkook says.

"Yeah thanks." They all beam at him.

"Eww, nothing to be all cheesy about geez." He shoves his hands in his pocket and tries to act cool but his cheeks betray him.

"Oh my gosh you're blushing." Hoseok giggles.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are." Jimin says.

"No I'm not. Fuck off."

"Then why are your cheeks pink." Taehyung appears behind him and pokes his cheek.

"I'm cold."

"Dude it is like 50degreese." Seokjin raises an eyebrow.

"I ment, I'm cold blooded."

"That doesn't make sense." Namjoon answers.

"Could you all shut up before I set this place on fire!"

"We love you too Yoongles." Hoseok ruffled his hair.

"Don't call me Yoongles."

"Sure thing Yoongles!" The boy then spanks his butt.

"Oh my fuck Hoseok I will end you!"

Hoseok squeels and runs out the cave with Yoongi hot on his tail.

"I think this calls for a celebration. How wants to get wasted?!" Seokjin raises his hand in the air.

"Me!" They all answer, Jimin being the loudest.

"Let's get this bread!" Jungkook skips out the cave.


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