First meeting

513 21 7

The night sky is dim, dark and seems to mourn along seven poor souls that roam around aimlessly. A soft, hum of a breeze blows through the branches resulting in a hissing sound from the leaves.

Seven pairs of eyes glued to the rough ground, seven pairs of legs move in sync all drawn towards the same direction.

None of them are aware of the heavenly body's plot to bring them together. Blind to what's coming towards them.

They bring their arms to hug their bodies and rub the cold off their skin. Their dark hair riding the wind's waves as the last drops of tears escape their eyes.

And with the next few steps, they move out of the forest and to the lip of a cliff slanting upwards, all seven enter from different paths. The cliff over looks a calm, abandoned ocean glistening under the roof of twinkling stars.

The seven figures exit the dark woods into the clear and trek up the hill, their heads bowed, blocking out the outer world.

The seven lay down in a circle still oblivious to each other's presence, indulged in their dark headspace. Their hearts feeling heavy and their conscience even havier.

The seven stare up into the sky, the corners of their eyes clouded, preventing them from catching even the slightest glimpse of each other.

Funny how they're so close yet lightyears away from each other.

A small, soft quiet sniffle escapes each one of them at the same time. They still fail to notice each other's presence except for one...

'hold on...'

He wipes his tears delicately and raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow. He slowly tilts his head to his left side and up. And when he spots six other bodies splayed lifelessly besides him he...


His shriek cuts through the silence resulting in the others to jump in suprise, Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon yelp along with him.

Reacting out of suprise and habit, Yoongi pulls out his extra emergency dagger from his socks and points it around him as a warning to not go near him. His survival instincts kicking in.

"Woah!" Namjoon raises his arms up in surrender and the others follow in suit.

"Don't even fucking dare to come near me! I will not hesitate to carve all of your fucking hearts out and dispose your bodies in the ocean." Yoongi sneers, a tight and shaky grip on his weapon. He feels threatened and a bit paranoid. Had the gang members sent the six of them to get him?

"Ch-chill out man. I'm not a threat, I'm not even armed!" Hoseok defends himself, his large eyes onto the pale, scarry male.

"M-me neither." The others follow in union.

Yoongi narrows his vision onto them and scans their faces. Even in the little to nothing lighting, he can see

They look,






His eyes move over their faces and then his eyes lock with one of them, Seokjin.

"Haven't I seen you anywhere?" His tone is cold and sharp.

Seokjin stiffens in the spotlight.

"M-maybe. K-Kim Seokjin. M-"

"Male model." Taehyung, sitting on Namjoon's left hand side, finishes his sentence before he could. Yoongi's blazing stare shoots to him and he immediately apologizes.

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