Heineken The Healer

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Under the clear night, the moon dominates the sky. Stars seem to shine brighter than ever as they descend to shine apon their children. A calm warm breeze blows through the city, citizens retreat to their homes for their nightly slumber but the certain, special seven of them.

Yoongi staggers through the woods. Four six packs of Heineken beers in his hold, two of them missing leaving twenty two of them in total. The intoxicated male has no idea as to why he bought so many. Maybe he was planning on drinking himself to death? Whatever excuse you want to come up with for him, doesn't matter at the moment. All he knows is that he needs to just forget everything about his life.

After many minutes of stumbling, tripping and yelling at random trees for standing in his way (and getting into a fight with one), he makes it into the clear and walks up the familiar hill. His eyes glued to his feet that criss cross with every step. When he finally makes it up, he raises his eyes.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You bitches are here too?" He furrows his brows, his eyes narrowed onto the six boys all seated in a circle. The boys look at him oddly, their eyes darting from the alcohol and to his disgusted face.

It's dark and the only lighting emits from the moon high above. Bright enough to make out each other's faces.

"Well, judging by your ugly depressed faces, I'm guessing all of our lives are buried in a pile of hot cow shit." He sighs and sits down cross legged. He places the alcohol infront of himself and opens another bottle.

Seokjin stares at him with a cocked eyebrows. That was the first time anyone has ever called him ugly...

Hoseok on the other hand stares into the ocean ahead of then, grabbing his duffle bag for dear life. He still has yet to recover from what had happened. He has tried to wipe it from his mind but it keeps coming back.

"Hey!" Yoongi suddenly bursts. "You! The annoying one with the duffle bag? What's your name again?" He scratches his head in deep thoughts waiting for Hoseok's answer. Hoseok turns his attention towards him and knits his eyebrows together.


"Yeah you, Hoseok. Take this, you look like you need it." He throws a bottle towards him. Hoseok catches it before the bottle could shatter his skull.

"Yah! Do you want to kill me?!" He shreeks.

"Oh, shut up and just drink it." He waves him off.

Hoseok stares at the bottle, his heart rate kicking up. He's never drunk alcohol before. He was still underage.

"But I'm only eighteen."

"So am I." He shrugs.

Hoseok looks at the bottle all over again in horror.

"Hoseok you don't have to drink it if you don't want to you know?" Namjoon says.

Yeah, he knows but he feels like he has to put that jerk Yoongi in his place and show him he can do it.

Hoseok takes a big swig. The bitter liquid fills his mouth and burns his throat as it goes down. He lets out a raspy breath as his face contorts into disgust.

Yoongi bursts into laughter at the boy's reaction. "Pussy." he giggles with his wide gummy smile.

"Not cool." Jimin mumbles in a hushed voice and rubs Hoseok's back. He has no idea why but he suddenly feels he has to care over him. In fact, the boys all feel an invisible string tie them up together. No seven random people should feel this close after one encounter.

"Oh pull your panties out of your butt holes and grab a bottle." He takes the beers out of their casings pushes them towards the others. The boys are hesitant at first but slowly approach Yoongi and grab a bottle each. The pale man darts his eyes towards a silent certain boy hidden behind a baby blue hoodie.

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