Liberty (Yoongseok)

329 11 3

"Ahhhh! Hot!"

Yoongi jerks his hand back takes his index finger into his mouth and sucks on it hoping to cool the burn down. A scowl forms on his pale face as she glares at his now mortal enemy. He pulls his finger out and shakes his hand in the air.

"Fucking ramen. If I could kill you I would." He grumbles and moves to stair the sauce into the one dollar noodles. Once the food is ready, he picks it up and heads out of the kitchen and to Myunghee's bedroom.

"Hey mom, I brought you some ramen I know you can't eat," he speaks while opening the door, "but we have t- OH SHIT MOM!"

In a split second, he drops the hot food onto the floor and runs over to the bed located at the corner of the room.

Myunghee. She lays there violently coughing. Splatters of blood spray all over the bed and some onto Yoongi. No oxygen enters her lungs. She feels a stap at her throat everytime she coughs, her chest bind together tightly.

"Mom, what the fuck is going on!?" Yoongi freaks out. Yes, this has happened but this time it seems worse than before. Her body trembles and she struggled to keep her eyes open.

"Mom! Are you dying?! Cause if you are the shit will be really fucked up!" He uselessly rubs her chest not knowing what to do or say. Myunghee manages a small yet noticable nod. "What the fuck? You can't do that!"

"Y-Yoonie." She gasps.


"I-I have to go. Cant live like this longer." Her voice is weak, airy.

"What the heck? You can't! Bruh, you can't leave me like this!"

"Yoonie...I'm holding you back. I'm a fucking burden."

"No! Don't worry, I-I can fix you." He starts pressing her chest up and down, attempting CPR.

"What are you doing?" She slowly brings her hands over his. Yoongi freezes from the coldness of her palms.

"I-I'm saving you." A tear slips.

"Idiot." She weakly smiles only to cough once more, red droplets stain the blankets and her clothing.

"Mom, don't do that! You're fucking scaring me." Her grip on his hands loosens, her arms lay limp on either side of her.

"Yoonie. I have to go. I promise your life will turn out better." She wheezes.

"Fuck!" Yoongi's eyes widen and drops to his knees besides her body.

"Yoonie, remember one thing." He remains silent as she watches her take her final breath on the earth.

"Stay cool an'...don't loose your swag." She smiles warmly and lets her eyes shut. Yoongi brings his hands over his mouth. His body vibrates as hot tears run to his hands. He peers at her face as her smile disappears and sets into a straight line in fear.

She's gone?

Really gone?

He falls onto his bottom and brings his legs infront of him and stares at them.

'she can't be gone. This my mom we talking about. She's a bad bitch. She's doesn't die'

A weight seems to be put on his shoulders, his face flushing.

"Fuck this cap shit, she ain't dead." He murmers and gets up to once again stare at Myunghee's face.

"Ayo mom? You not really dead right?"


"Good cause like I was seriously scared for a second. Like you really freaked the shit out of me!" he chuckles.

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