On A Mission

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He looks up at the rough ceiling. It's dark blend of colours melted together into one depressing sight. The million tiny holes. One catches his eye. He feels it resembles his soul right now.

Taehyung sighs deeply and peels his attention off the wall and let's his head fall to the side. He witnesses Jungkook cuddled against Namjoon in the bean bag.

Jungkook silently stares at Seokjin sitting against the couch in deep thoughts. He listens to Namjoon's soothing heartbeat and sinks deeper into his chest. He feels numb. Physically and emotionally. He chews on his lower lip and like the other's, goes back to plotting.

Hoseok has made a makeshift bed out of the blankets and curls himself up onto it. His eyes droopy, his dry lips slightly parted. He feels dead inside. He cannot even focus of finding a way out of this.

They have been up for hours trying to figure out how to rescue the others. They decided on getting Jimin back first since Yoongi seemed like he could hold up better than him. Yes, they are deeply concerned about him too. Who knows what they'll do to him? But Jimin's more fragile which is why they chose him first. But there was just this problem...

"Where will we even begin? This feels like searching for a lost hair strand. It just feels... hopeless." Namjoon huffs. The rumble of his voice vibrating against the maknae.

"If only we knew his home address." Hoseok mumbles.

"Yeah but how would knowing his address help us? Which idiot would kidnap him to his own home?" Seokjin shrugs.

Then a tiny spark lights up in one's mind.

"I-I think..." Taehyung trails off. They turn their attention towards him.

"Do you know something?" Seokjin questions. He shrugs, feeling unsure of his theory.

"Please, even the smallest bit of information would be helpful." Namjoon says.

"Well...we were hanging out one of the past days and in a conversation, Jimin mentioned something about his not so nice guardian and I figured it was him that abused him." He bits his tongue.

"So...what you're implying is..."

"His guardian kidnapped him?"

Hoseok finishes Namjoon's sentence and blinks slowly.


"E-even if that was true, we still don't know where he lives." Seokjin presses his lips into a thin line.

"The hospital." Jungkook says in an almost whisper voice.

"Y-you think they'd tell us?" Hoseok asks.

"It's better to try and find out than to not do anything at all." Namjoon shrugs.


"Welcome back slut." Donghyun mocks as he tugs Jimin into the house by his hair. He hisses and tries to grab his roots hoping to reduce the pain. He is pulled up the stairs, tripping and falling along the way until they made it to his room.

The boy is flung in and lands on the floor onto his injured arm. A scream slips passed his lips emitting from his core. He rolls onto his back with his eyes shut and cries. Donghyun looks down on him and clicks his tongue.

"Stop whining and get up!" He pulls him up by his neck, cutting his air off. He is plopped down at the foot of his bed. The man then moves to the handcuffs linked onto the wood and traps Jimin's tiny, scared wrist onto it.

"No no no please don't!" He cries and kicks around. A scalding slap shuts him up.

"Ya know Jimin. Ever since you escaped, you've been an annoying little bitch. You've forgotten how to speak and act towards me! You have the fucking guts to curse and resist against me!" He barks at him. Jimin whispers and pushes himself further into the foot of the bed.

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