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Namjoon slips his shoes off by the door. His movements silent and careful not to draw any attention. He stretches his neck and peaks at every corner in the the room before his attempt to escape to his room.

He brushes a strand of hair back and off his eyes and hurriedly tip toes off to the stair case. On his way, he catches a glimpse of a wall clock.


He hasn't realised how late it was. They boys must have woke up really late and they also took quite the time to find their way out of the woods, he also waited in the hospital for Jimin and plus, it took him really long to find his way home, taking five too many wrong turns. He isn't exactly familiar with his way home. He isn't used to the outside world that much either. So a lot of things caught his attention and distracted him. He actually had to ask around.

He safely makes it to the foot of the stair case and ascends. He reaches the top and just as he's about turn the corner to his room he bumps into someone.

"I'm so sorry Namjoom-ssi i-mphmh"


Namjoon currently has his hand pressed onto their housekeeper, Adora's mouth. The blonde, petite woman looks at him in shock and grips the laundry basket in her hands for dear life.

"Are mother and father home yet?" He whispers. Adora shakes her head no, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.

"Oh good." Namjoon sighs in relief. "C-can you please do me a favour?"

She nods her head and blinks rapidly.

"Uhm...please don't let them acknowledge my presence." He requests.

"Uhmphmuhm" he words are muffled under Namjoon's large hand that remain on her small face.


Adora sighs through her nose and brings her finger up to point at his hand over her mouth.

It somehow takes him seconds to register exactly what Adora means but when he does, he lets out an "oh" and steps away.

"Wow. I really cannot believe that you're one of the smartest people in this country." She rolls her eyes with a soft smile on her face. Namjoon too rolls his eyes and looks at Adora with a, 'im in actually trouble we don't have time to make fun of me' look.

"Fine. What'd you do? And where were you? Why is your shirt covered in blood?!" Adora places the basket on the floor and adjusts her uniform panicked.

"They...found it." He fiddles with his fingers nervously. Adora's eyes widen at this.

"Jinjja?!" She gasps loudly.

"Yeah and we had an argument about it and they told me to leave the house."

"No way. But where did you go? Why are you covered in blood?" She questions once again.

"I'll inform you all about it, please don't worry."

"Oh my gosh. Lemme just go out these in the machine and I'll be back so you can tell me all about it." Adora bends over to pick up the basket and quickly moves to the laundry room located down stairs.

"Okay. I'll await your arrival in my room." Namjoon calls out and makes his way to his room.

He likes Adora. Well, maybe not in that way but in a best friend way. She's cool, she's kind, she knows what to say, the only one that treats Namjoon like a human and the only one who knows about his deepest secrets. Adora started working for the Kims a year ago. At first, she was really shy and quiet but Namjoon helped her warm up. Unlike his parents, he offerd her smiles, please and thank yous and respect. One day, they were home alone and had a little bit of freedom. Adora had been working for the whole day so Namjoon asked her to watch a movie with him and from then on, they've been really close and sneaking chill se-

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