I'm sorry

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"Are you sure?" Seokjin questions softly and carefully, his plump lips parted. Jimin gazes up at his hazy eyes, his heart beating in his ears and chest heaving up and down. Despite the million voices in his head telling him not to do it, that it was a bad idea, he nods. He blinks slowly and let's out a breath.

"I'm ready." He breaths out and Seokjin smiles lightly and peers down at him stroking his hair softly.

Everyone reunited in the living room. They had stared at the lifeless bodies dumbfounded, not knowing what to do and for some, it still felt like a horrible dream. Yoongi got back into his senses and took over. He and the boys put the bodies in plastic bags and threw them at the back of the van. They then went through the woods and into an open spot.

"I don't think I can watch this." Jungkook said as he walked away and left the gasoline on the ground.

"Me neither." Namjoon followed him and soon, the others left too for Yoongi to do the job all by himself. He didn't mind at all. Infact, he felt really bad. He felt like he dragged the others into this mess and still had to find a way to apologize. He poured the gasoline over the pile and set them on fire and watched, a smile spreading on his face. Free from The Revolution.

They then silently walked to the cave. Each of them took a seat at different spots but Seokjin felt like someone had to be with Jimin who went through the most trauma.

"Alright then." He helped him sit up the couch and pulled down his shirt that had riden up his torso in his laying down position. Well, Namjoon's shirt and a pair of his boxers. Yoongi made sure to set the clothes on fire too.

"W-well, this started eight years ago when my parents passed." He breaths in. The words opening up his old and new wounds.

"Take your time." Seokjin strokes his back. The others' eyes glued to them

"I didn't have any other relatives so...so I had no other choice than to live with him. Donghyun. My uncle." He swallows back the lump in his throat.

"From then on, my life became hell. He took complete control of it. He pulled me out of school, treated me as his personal maid, took his frustrations out onto me." He grips tightly onto Seokjin's hand. The others listen carefully sharing Jimin's pain. Yoongi feeling like getting his hands onto Donghyun at the moment.

"Then about two years later...things were different. He didn't want me getting hair cuts, made me cross dress, stopped me from going to dance classes or anywhere for that matter. And...and he kept telling me how much I looked like my mother."

He looks around the room.

"The day...we first met, he almost killed me. I knew I had to get away from there but when I woke up in the hospital, I knew there was no escaping him. And the second time we met he almost...he almost raped me." He breaks down into Seokjin's arms. The bad memories of his past playing over and over through his head.

Hoseok and Taehyung silently wipe their tears, Namjoon watches intensly, Jungkook digs his tongue into his cheek and plays with his fingers.

"I'm sorry Minnie. I'm really really sorry." Seokjin whispers into his hair. Jimin shakes it no.

"I's okay. Not your fault. I just wish my parents were still alive." He whimpers. No one knows how to respond to that. They all doubt anyone in this world does so Namjoon tries to switch the topic a little.

"Maybe if you tell us about them, it'll make you feel better." He smiles softly, his dimples poking his cheeks. Jimin nods and pulls away from Seokjin.

"They were both modern dancers which is the reason I chose the dance genre. They were really successful and famous too." He proudly says, his mood lifting a bit.

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