Liberty (Namjin)

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For the next two weeks...

The seven boys lived in absolute agony. They felt as if the universe had turned its backs on them, starts crashed and fell onto them leaving tattered bodies to burn and turn into ashes. Nothing could take their pain away, nothing could heal.

Namjoon lived like a spy. He tried to avoid his parents as much as he could which was really hard because they lived in the same house. He'd lock himself in his room pretending to study and stare at his ceiling the whole day. He'd bribe his teacher so she wouldn't tell his parents about his current state. He's never touched a single book ever since he came back. Adora was really worried about him. She'd check on him and try to get him to talk every little chance she got. But Namjoon wouldn't speak, he wouldn't eat, he'd just stay in his room and just do nothing.

Seokjin continued his life as normal. He went to more photoshootings, attended events and has a live modelling gig tonight. Yesterday, Hana brought over a bunch of her friends of a small chill and gossip session. And let's just say, things didn't go right between Seokjin and one of Hana's friends. One moment Seokjin was showing her to the bathroom and the other he was sobbing his eyes out and putting his clothes on. He felt broken, disgusting. He knew it'd happen sooner or later so it didn't come as a huge shock to him. It scared him himself about how well(ish) he handled it. Was he already broken that much?

Yoongi. His mother finally gained her conscience back. Well for a day and she fainted once more. She coughed up blood, she couldn't eat. When Yoongi tried feeding her, she would throw up. She was a so weak, she couldn't even sit up by herself. Her pretty eyes had sunken in, her skin colourless way that before and moist, her breathing rough and struggling. She was slowly dying and Yoongi knew it. Day by day, he watched as she grew weaker and weaker. Looking as if she wouldn't be able to make it another day. He knew he should give up, she was already gone but...he couldn't. Myunghee is the last person he has on Earth.

Hoseok. The definition of a shell of his former self. The once blithe, bright boy who smiled through all of his troubles was just...nothing. It turned out that Yeona passed on after he called him a year ago. She'd been walking home and got knocked by a car. And the worst part was, Minseok knew all the time. And he said nothing. He made him beleive that she was still alive all these months. He'd mention her so casually or let him speak about her as if she were still alive. He knew Minseok was cruel but this. This was on another level. He cries himself to sleep every single night, his last few days at his school were a big blur. He had his bags packed and (not) ready to go to North Korea.

Jimin. His body from his stomach to his rib cage was bandaged. His right arm was in a cast. His cuts had been stitched up and had several bandages on his arms, legs and his back. The bruises on his face were still noticable. He remembers waking up at the hospital panicked. He remembers being told to calm down but he kept freaking out so they injected him with something. "He's coming for me! Don't let him get me please!" He remembers begging. They'd given him food but he refused to eat then the nurses asked if they could call someone to come and get him and Donghyun came. He thought of telling them about everything. How he treats him, the mental and physical abuse he put him through. He wanted to scream and cry and beg for them to let him stay at the hospital...but he couldn't. He had no idea why but he just couldn't. They also informed him about six boys dropping him off. He should really thank them, he thought to himself as he nervously fidgeted with his fingers waiting to be picked up. Donghyun got him home and started screaming at him about how he has to pay his hospital bills and why he escaped from home. Of course, he got another beating. He locked himself in his room fearing for his safety for the next two weeks.

Taehyung or should I say, Taeyong. He went through with it. He cut his wrist. But didn't have the courage to go deeper. He continued going to endless monotone practices feeling lifeless. The only thing that could distract him was the hoodie Jungkook gave him. It was the first thing he ever received that he honestly liked. It was the first thing Taehyung like that Taeyong didn't. Of course, his parents made him to stop wearing it but that didn't stop him from cuddling it to sleep as he cried silently. He's now all shower and freshened for his big concert tonight.

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