New Start

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The next day...

The boys have cleared the air out and are now closer than ever. After their confession, they've become clingier to one another, cuddle more, it's cosier in a way. Sweet. They also seem to have telepathically confessed their love to one another and engaged in a seven way relationship...

"You're a total asshole!" Hoseok yells.

"Stop being bitchy cause we won!" Yoongi yells back.

"What?! You cheated!" Jungkook slams his controller down.

"How the fuck did we do that?" Namjoon does the same.

"Jimin threw his sock in my face!" Hoseok complains.

"No I didn't!"

"Then what's this?" Taehyung throws the sock at Jimin's face.

"Taehyung I will fuck you up." Jimin shoots daggers at him, the threat leaving his tongue like venom.

I promise they're in a poly relationship filled with love. Their just...oh screw this, I don't know what's wrong with them.

"Ya know what? Turn off the fucking game at once since y'all are being brats about it!" Seokjin disconnects the gaming console and puts it in its box. He then takes out a small backpack and opens it infront of Yoongi.

"Put the controller in." He states, leaving no room for arguments. Yoongi clicks his tongue and rolls his eyes at him but does as he's told either way.

Suddenly, Seokjin kneels down infront of him and harshly grabs his jaw. His sharp gaze pierces into the other's.

"Listen, you are not going have that attitude towards me. Understand?" His voice is deep, firm and stern sending goosebumps all over Yoongi's body. He nods.

"Use your words baby boy." He tightens his hold.

"Y-yes." Yoongi says, his tone inbetween annoyed and afraid.

"Good." Seokjin let's go and moves on to collect the objects from the others.

"Ooo~Yoongi getting his ass ripped tonight." Namjoon laughs.

"Yo momma." Yoongi flips him off and the rest cannot help but laugh at the reply.

"There, watch this, kids." Seokjin says, having put on The Lion King.

"Yay! I love this movie." Taehyung shifts closer to the TV.

"We've watched this one for like a million times Tae. How could you still love it?" Hoseok whines and fake faints.

"Hey, leave my soulmate alone." Jimin crawls over to sit on Taehyung's lap.

"Hyung, you wanna play with my action figures?" Jungkook pushes his toybox to the centre of the room and nudges Hoseok.

"Sure. If only I can be Iron Man." He teases knowing how the maknae will react.

"No I'm Iron Man. You can be Thor." Jungkook hugs the toy to his chest.

"Namjoon Hyung you can play too." He waves Namjoon over who gladly accepts the offer.

"Hey Jin. Wanna play chess?" Yoongi asks. Seokjin shrugs and sits besides Yoongi who sets up the chessboard.

And just like that, it's fixed. It's how their relationship works. It's really fascinating how their ready to kill each other and the next second, their really close and cute together.

"Does Spongbob have hair or not? Like is his body and hair the same colour like Bart Simpson or..." Taehyung suddenly asks.

Everyone stops their movements and looks at him.

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