I Fuck With You

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"So you're telling me that you have an elephant on your body?" Yoongi eyes the smiling boy who decided to plant himself next to him and rest his head onto Yoongi's legs. Yoongi tried to move him and told him to get off, but everytime he managed to push/kick the boy away from him, Taehyung came crawling back until he gave up.

"Yes." He states.

"Bullcrap." Yoongi scoffs.

"No, seriously, look!" Taehyung unbottons his shirt and Yoongi eyes him curiously. Taehyung then slips his arm out of the fabric and pinches the skin inbetween his two moles.

Yoongi opens his mouth to say something but closes it feeling so done right now. "That's...something."

Taehyung giggles at his reaction and something warm settles in a part of Yoongi's cold heart at his boxy smile.

"Cool. I love dancing too." Hoseok claps.

"Really? What dance style are you into?" Jimin smiles at him. Hoseok fights back the urge to pinch his cheeks.

"I do hip hop but I'm open to anything else. You?"

"I do modern, contemporary."


"Hey, did you watch Kingdom Legendary War?" Jimin asks.

"Uhm...hell yeah. It was epic. But I missed some episodes because of my dad." Hoseok shruggs and pulls out some grass from the ground. He tosses the handful in the air and it rains upon them. The two boys share a giggle.

"Same. My...guardian wouldn't allow me watching it too." Jimin pushes back his hair from his face that was blown by the wind.

"It's quite chilly up here." Namjoon rubs his arms.

"Yeah. Wanna play tag?" Seokjin asks. Namjoon eyes him weirdly.

"Why so randomly?"

"Cause, if we run around, it'll get our blood pumping and we'll feel warm." Seokjin gets up and lightly punches Namjoon on the shoulder. "Tag you're it!" He squeels which catches Namjoon off guard and his heart tugs. Seokjin begins running away from Namjoon who runs after him.

"He's always sitting alone." Hoseok secretly glances at Jungkook who is the only one isolated from the others. He sits still and leers at the ocean below them.

"Let's call him over." Jimin chews on his tongue. Hoseok nods.

"Hey! Jungkook!" He yells, Jungkook flinches and looks at him.

"Oh my God! Do you have to be so loud?" Yoongi whines.

"Shut up Yoongi." Hoseok throws a stone at him. It lands on his shoulder. Yoongi glares at him. Hoseok sticks his tongue out at him.

"Jungkook! Come over here!" He yells again and Jungkook gets up.

"He's right here! You don't have to shout!" Yoongi once again complains.

"You're just jealous I didn't invite you over to the Jiseok hang out which is now called," he hangs his arm over Jungkook's shoulder, "...the Jungminseok hangout."

"You're more immature than a five year old."

"And your more mature than a fifty year old grandpa Yoongi."

Yoongi huffs, not wanting to continue to pointlessly argue with the boy.

"Hey Hyung? Why do you have a gun?" Taehyung peers up at him with wide innocent eyes like a child.

"So I can kill nosey boys like you." Yoongi shortly answers and lays back. He's about to close his eyes when someone leaps over him.

"Who the fuck?"

"Sorry Yoongi!" Seokjin giggles while running from Namjoon.

'why am I even here with these idiots again?'


He hums.

"Do you like dancing?" Hoseok questions him. Jungkook nods shyly not once meeting their eyes. Hoseok pouts at him. He then places his finger under the other's chin and lifts his focus up. Jungkook's deer eyes peer at the two in slight shock. Jimin softly giggles at his reaction and reaches to pull Jungkook's hoodie from his head, finally revealing his face.

They notice the scratch marks on his face but don't question it. Who were they to say anything when they didn't look too good themselves...

"Wow, you're bangs are really cute." Jimin offers a friendly smile and Jungkook's face turns beet red.

"Oh my gosh, can we keep you?" Hoseok gets over excited and engulfs Jungkook in a huge hug. Jungkook chuckles which results in Hoseok letting out more of his squeels.

"Tag you're it!" Namjoon taps on Jimin's shoulder. The boy looks up and pouts in confusion. When he catches on, he gets up and touches Jungkook's head.

"Tag you're it Jungkook." He laughs and begins running. Jungkook pulls away from Hoseok and touched his chest. "Tag, you're it Hyung." He smiles revealing a set of cute bunny teeth.

Too busy fangirling over Jungkook, he misses his chance to tag the boy before he runs off.

Hoseok too gets up and spots an easy, close target. Taehyung. He tags his leg. "Tag, you're it Taehyung."

Taehyung who just go interrupted while telling Yoongi about a book he read about (Yoongi not listening), is caught of guard.

"No fair! I didn't know we were all playing!" He whines.

"All's fair in tag and...Uhm...tag!" Seokjin shruggs. The others can help but glue their eyes on his suddenly cute self.

"Fine. Grandpa you're it!" He tags Yoongi and runs.

"What? Why is that a thing now?" He sits up at the name.

"Stop whining you baby and come up here!" Hoseok yells.

"Bitch you literally don't need you yell. And no."

"Pussy." Hoseok smirks.

"Hoseok I will kill you and all of you."

"Come up here and do it!" Seokjin laughs.

"I'm legit not kidding, I will."

"Pussy pussy pussy pussy!" They all chant and rile the pale boy up.

Yoongi swiftly gets up and runs at full speed.

"AAAAAHHH!" They all scream in terror.

The boys split up to get away from Yoongi.

They spend some more time running around together. From playing tag to hide and seek and other games.

"Jungkook cheated!" Yoongi throws a tantrum.

"No he didn't." The others defend the maknae.

"What? He you literally saw him use both of his hands." Yoongi brings his fist down onto a tree stump they used to arm wrestle on.


"I saw nothing."

"I saw you lose."

"I saw Jungkook beat your ass."

His face grows red with anger. "I don't even know why I fuck with you guys!"

They fall silent when realisation hits them.

"Yoongi just said he fucked with us." Jimin smirked. Yoongi gasps.

"Aww, I fuck with you too Hyung." Taehyung huge him tightly.

"Us too." They all envelope him in a huge hug.

"I hate you guys." Yoongi groans.

"We love you too." The all say in sync.

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