Tree Lot

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Note: Decided to post my short Densi-mber stories on here! For anyone wondering, Densi-mber is a month long event taking place in December that is all about making Densi content. It's mainly run on Tumblr, but it also has a Twitter account.

Here's the first of my stories from 2020. This one takes place in Season 12


At the tree lot

'So, which one sounds better: The tall skinny one, or the plump, short one?' Deeks asked Kensi about what kind of tree they should buy.

'Hmmm. Well, can't be anything that'll be too big for our apartment, so, the plump, short one sounds like a good choice.' Kensi replied.

'Good idea.'

Kensi noticed that her husband had seemed more distant lately then before.

'What's wrong, sweetie?'

'Oh, just thinking at how tough this year has been. Between the bar having trouble, me losing my job at NCIS, Hetty being more distant then ever before, Us trying to have a baby. Just been a really tough year.' Deeks replied, with a sad face.

'Yeah, I've been thinking about how tough it's been as well. But we can't let that get us down! We'll eventually have a baby, Hetty will get your job back, and she'll hopefully explain to us just what is going on with her as of late, the bar will get busy again soon, everything will be fine!'

'We don't even know where Hetty is! What if she needs help and we're too late to help her? And what if I'm forced to sell the bar? I think about all this sometimes, and it's really hard not to worry so much!'

'Hetty can take care of herself. And I keep telling myself that the only way to overcome difficult challenges, is to remain positive. Which is what I've been doing lately. It's to keep myself sane.' Kensi replied. 'And you can do it too! Remember, we're still together, and we can face anything as long as we're together!'

'Thanks, I really needed that.'

'I think I see a better tree over there, let's check it out!' Kensi said.

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