The beginning of everything

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Everything around me was dark, I didn't know the reason for this, but I felt something start to drag me down.

Before I knew it, the darkness turned to light.

I could see a figure holding me, by the appearance of him, I would say that it was a doctor. In front of him, there was a couple, a woman was lying on a stretcher while the man was next to her.

My first thought was that this was wrong, after all, my current situation is strange unless I am dreaming, but this was not the case.

While trying to think about how I ended up here, I was able to remember a few things.


I walked  to my university, after all, what else would a 23-year-old student do? At that moment I received a call from my mother for the fourth time, and tired of it, I decided to answer.

''What's going on?''

"Desmont, this is the fourth time I've called you and you just answered? This is disrespectful to your mother."

''Well, do you need something? I'm busy right now.''

My mother began to lecture me after saying this. It was all due to some problems we had in the morning, which put her in a bad mood. And to make the situation worse, I decided to leave just when she was lecturing me. So her anger is normal, although not that it mattered much to me.

While waiting for the traffic light to change to cross the avenue, a little boy was playing with his ball. Unfortunately for him, the ball got knocked out of his hands and headed towards the highway. The sensible thing to do would be to wait for the light to change to pick it up, but the boy decided it would be wiser to pick it up at this point.

As the boy ran after his ball, I could see a vehicle in the vicinity accelerating in his direction.

If I were a kind-hearted person, I would try to warn the child or get him out of the way of the vehicle. But I'm not that person, I didn't care much.

After all, it was the recklessness of the child that would cause an accident.

So, I let what should happen since it is not a problem that affects me.

I stopped paying attention to the child to focus on the words my mother was saying to me.

"You know, Desmont, sometimes I regret your birth"

"That makes two of us, it's not like I asked you to bring me into this world!"

When I refocused on the child, I could see at that very moment, that the driver — in order not to hit the child, decided that the most appropriate thing to do would be to turn right.

This would have been a good decision, it would prevent an accident after all, except for the fact that I was on the right.

The last thing I saw was the vehicle heading toward me, and the last words I could hear were my mother's.

''I hate you"


Guess I died in that accident, huh, and this would be like a rebirth or something.

This should cheer me up, after all, I wasn't satisfied with my previous life. But for some reason, I started to cry.

I had friends and family.

I didn't want to admit it, but I had a loving mother and although our relationship wasn't the best, I still loved her.

I guess the phrase "you don't know what you have until you lose it" applies to this occasion.

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