41: utopia

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Ignore the mistakes please
Authors pov:

long night feels even more long in winter and days were are not even better. he sighed as he moved his manual wheelchair towards his bedroom after spending hours in sunshine.

he moved in his room shutting the door behind and get closer towards the balcony which also happened to be his art corner, it just beautiful small little cottage house with tremendous scenery from any side, he stopped near the art aisle as he stared the painting before him which he painted a month before, his blue ocean like eyes brimmed with tears as he trailed his hand on a canvas, potray of his first love he cried as he feels the roughness of canvas with the softness of love, the most painful feeling ever.

"baby, are you there in the balcony" he heard the pleasant voice making him quickly covered the potray again wiping his tears off he turned his wheel chair with a soft 'yes' and a second later the tall guy walks in with his most intimidating smile

"here you are and i have been looking for you in the garden" he uttered while crouching down as he holds youngers hands in his own and blows warm air from his mouth to warm his hand and he just stared the boy before him

"your hands are cold, why aren't wearing the gloves baby"? he asked eyes solely darted on the blue eyes guy

"i wanted to paint so i just took it off" he says with a faint smile

"Isn't this time for you to leave? you'll be late if you won't start now" the younger of the two voice out with a quick glance towards the wall watch.

"i wanted to see you bit more before i leave"the taller one says, eyes holding love and adoration for the younger who smiles

"tae, are sure you don't wanna come along? they all have been wanting to see you ever since love, don't jus-" his rambles cut short as the younger buts in.

"did you take the gift pack I have told you to take with you?and there's a box of strawberries as well that i have packed and yes I have baked something--- just go you'll be late otherwise" he says totally ignoring the fact which sehun just has uttered
the taller stares, gets up with a sigh and nods.

"just call Albert uncle or sister maria if you need anything yeah, and try to take a good night sleep. I'll be coming back in the morning" sehun says while caressing taehyung hand with his thumb as their hands were clasped together

"okay" the younger replies with a nod

"take care baby" sehun says after planting a soft bus on younger forehead who shuts his eyes closed.

"miss me my love" Sehun whispers in amusement once stands tall and taehyung smiles and watches the guy leave his room and then he hears front door is being shut.

gradually the hardly seen smile shrink to long face that is edged with so much pain and sadness, uncountable tears streamed down and a loud sob was heard across the room,he might have been left alive after the accident but he's not living his life he just passing it, waking up after two months from coma with no sensation and strength in his leg and body worn out after open heart surgery and deep wounds on his body and soul it was nothing but a miracle that he was still breathing.

he woke up when he doesn't wanted to wake up at all and hence he has shut himself from the people around him, and begged to spent his time here, the fact of his motion less leg didn't bothered him at all he's been used to of pain and adding one more it wouldn't kill him anyways.

sehun was the only one he couldn't hold him back as the male glued to him throughout the whole time, after all when he shut his eyes closed in search of jeonguk it sehun who held him close.

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now