26: Blues

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Ignore the mistakes please

Authors pov:
there was silence only if raging heart beat aren't count, the quietness grew deeper with every fraction of second and this was the moment jeonguk wanted to turn back the time.

taehyungs face was painted with jumble of emotions--- Blue and grey

Like a innocent birds his eyes were looking back and forth to jeonguk and his brother, his eyes that was questioning jeonguk and that scared the brunette to the core, he doesn't want any confliction between them not now not ever.

Jeonguks grip around baekhyun collar loosened when tae ran--but not him but to his brother preying jeonguk away from his brothers frame


"h-hyung" he cried hand probed over his brothers body up and down, then he cupped his face, baek smiles to his little brother holds his hand in his own.

"I'm--- I'm okay--- I'm fine cupcake" he uttered but taehyung was not buying it.
jeonguk was standing just right behind tae,he was left with no words, he don't want taehyung to think him as abysmal.

"tae--- I--- it's not---" his words were slurring together because taehyungs eyes were darted on his brother and he wants tae to look at him, but he didn't and this made Jeonguk---disappoint, sad

"cupcake----it is nothing, we were just playing around" baekhyun chuckled so to ease youngers distress, taehyung was crying softly.

"I'm sorry hyung"
and that's it, that's all took to jeonguks anger and all the turmoils to crumble down. taehyung apologized for something he did, he was ashamed but at the same time he wanted taehyung to hear his part of perspective too, baekhyun hugged tae caressing his back and others just stood their doesn't know what to say.

"there's nothing to be sorry about baby, cupcake I'm fine" baekhyun wiped youngers tears and oh how bad jeonguk was aching to hold taehyung close to him and kiss the pain away and to apologize to him.

"you are not--- see their is blood oozing out" tae said softly like a small kid, he wiped off his brothers drop of blood that was oozing from the corner of his lips.

"tae---baby" jeonguk hesitantly calls and feels tuggs on his heart when taehyung didn't reply neither spare a glance to him, rather he held his brothers arm while wiping of his own tears, no one could make out what exactly is going on his mind.

"lets get you home hyung" he sniffs , baekhyun looked apologotically towards jeonguk who were looking at tae with hurt eyes

"Muffin, jeonguk is saying something, at least hear him out" jeonguk heard baekhyun, a weird feeling took over him which he don't want to feel, he don't want to think baekhyun is innocent, no he's not---- he's not innocent he chanted, and taehyung paid no heed to his brothers words.

"I'll---- I'll call chany hyung---no actually let me call Joseph uncle, he will--- he will drive us to home y-yeah" taehyung was blabbering, his hand were trembling, baekhyun could feel taehyungs breathing going uneven, he saw the beads of sweat on youngers forehead---- shit

"taehyung, listen to me---come on listen to me" baekhyun held his brothers both arms jiggles him lightly.

"hyung is fine, look at me cupcake---taehyung baby hyung is here, come on breath in---- breath out" Baekhyun tried to sooth taehyung ,made him look at him and tae kept on blabbering incoherent words, jeonguk and others quickly walked to him, jeonguk was terrified it pained him to see taehyung suffer---suffer because of him

Jeonguk heart ached looking at his love.

Because of me he's hurting---- you are an asshole jeonguk

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ