23: Downcast

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Please ignore the mistake

Trigger warning ⚠️

Authors pov:

there is something called a sense of belonging, a feel of being home or reaching at the destination after walking miles and miles. taehyung and Jeonguk has found their congenial company in each other's arms, which gives them warmth and security, a feel of being home.

taehyung was swaddle in Jeonguks arm his back against brunettes hard masculine chest as the latter was resting his chin on his shoulders and was humming a soft melody while they gaze stars from the balcony of jeonguks bedroom,cold breeze gushing through their hair but they being each other arm was enough to be warm.

it's been two days tae staying at Jeonguks place, loving the every second that is passing with Jeonguk besides him, baek did came to meet him and the two brother spent hours together while jeonguk had to be out for some work,it was excuse though as he feels suffocated whenever baek is around but for tae he never let it appear, taehyung had been restless ever since baek left when he saw the same photo frame of jeonguk with thr girl chaeyong, taehyung doesn't know what really made baek to leave all of a sudden, but it was not it what's bothering him it's the familiarity, he felt as if he has seen the girl somewhere but because of side profile of the photo it didn't really helped him to make out who exactly she's, he did had this when he saw the picture first time but now the more he look at the picture the more he feels uneasiness.

he blew out all his uncertainty aside,when jeonguk came back and now they are here ,drunken in each other's love.

"you sound so beautiful" taehyung utters shyly, turning his head to side a little to see Jeonguk face, the brunette smiles then pecks tae cheeks uttering a 'thanks' in a whisper.

taehyung wanted to say alot and jeonguk sensed it all as the younger were fiddling with his finger, but he waited to let tae say it on its own.

"kookie--ahmm tomorrow I'll go--- I'll go back to my place" taehyung says hesitantly , and jeonguk hates it as his eyebrows furrows, he holds taehyung more tight nuzzle his face in youngers nape.

"why? can't you just be here? with me? forever" he asks in hesitation, hope in voice that the younger would say yes. tae smiles, content to know about jeonguk wants the same as him he wants them to be together forever, but his smiles faded away and heart got wild for a second, ah is he talking about forever and Enternity?

Damn it, my heart

"w-we can, but I really have to go, hyung asked me and I said I'll come tomorrow morning.and beside all this, you are missing your classes because of me---you won't miss it anymore okay? " he says in a pout and jeonguk know it, cant see it though as he's standing behind him.

"okay??? but baby---are you sure? I mean you aren't really wel-" Jeonguk says in a tone laced with concern, but tae doesn't let him finish

"I'm fine, really" he pats brunettes hand which is wrapped around his stomach. jeonguk nods, lips forms in a thin line

"baby" jeonguk calls and tae hums in response

"w-why you don't wanted to go home?" jeonguk finally asked what he was desperate to ask and know the reason why tae was so restless with the mention of being at home, he felt younger stiffing in his embrace, shuddering a little.

taehyung closes his eyes, gulps loud.refrains his self for crying and calms his raging heart beat.

"ahmm, I---I had a nightmare that made me scared so--so I don't wanted to be there" he shakely breaths out and jeonguk furrowed, he then kisses taes shoulder and a shiver ran down to youngers spine.

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now