30: Quietude

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Author pov:

love is beautiful Isn't it? that tingling feeling of touch, that smell of love in embrace of the person you love and right now being embraced in Jeonguks arm under the silk sheet feeling their warm naked body against  each other is a mind blowing feeling for taehyung. the night was pure bliss when Jeonguk made love to him  that pure feeling of being pleasure by the person he love is something beyond his words.

the warm rays of sun was trying to make their way in Jeonguk room but the barrier of curton didn't really welcome them, jeonguk was still sleeping while tae was up whole night. he couldn't tore his gaze away from his boyfriend , his love, his jeonguk who looks so thriving even when he's sleeping, being wrapped in jeonguks strong arm is something he wants to sleep and wake up with.though he was really immersed in this ecstasy feeling yet he couldn't stop his mind to let go of momos threat which is still echoing in his ear making him shiver and scared.

he can't loose jeonguk he can't even imagine letting go of his love when he finally has something that's so precious, he doesn't want to let go of the one and only reason he has got to live his life, his center of life is---his Jeonguk.

he trailed his hand close to Jeonguks face gently tracing his eyebrows,  eyes his nose and his lips,is this is real? he asked himself and just to know he's not in any dream but living the reality he leaned forward and kissed Jeonguk soft lips

"I love you" he whispered as he pulled out and started caressing brunettes cheek bone with soft smile.

"l love you too" taehyung yelp when he was yanked forward and velvety voice of jeonguk rang so close to his ears.

"y-you weren't? you weren't sleeping"? taehyung asked with wide eyes, clearly startled of others sudden reply

"I was, but it's you who woke me up--- with your gentle touch and sweet voice that made me feel that I'm still dreaming" he whispered against taehyung lips, taehyung blink once twice and then a shy smile spread through his lips, he shut his eyes closed too shy to even look into Jeonguk intimidating one.Jeonguk smiles ,adoring the beautiful soul who's wrapped in his arm, with his eyes shut and now biting his lips.

"tae" he calls ever so sensually that almost made taehyung to loose all his sanity his breathing getting shallow,he was so weak for Jeonguks touch, his voice that he could only humm in response.

"look at me baby" he uttered in tone that sends him shivers down to his spine making it more difficult for him to look up.

"baby" he uttered ever so softly that taehyung couldn't hold back anymore as he snap his eyes open, staring brunettes eyes and all he could see is love.

they bask themselves in each others arms, staring deep down in each others eyes that holds galaxy of love, and care. love is a weather that has step down in their soul and every changing emotion can be seen through their eyes that speak louder than any thing.

"tae, can you promise me one thing"? pulling taehyung closer so that he could feel each other heartbeat against each other, tugging taehyungs silver strand behind his ear, eyes darting from taehyung eyes to lips than back to his eyes which now holds him captive, he asked.

taehyung nodded his head a little, too much drown in jeonguks eyes that he almost forgot to even speak.

"no matter what please stay by my side, stop doubting me and my love for you--- I don't know how much i was able to convey my unspoken feeling for you through my action but i hope you can see that at least in my eyes--- I love you taehyung more than anyone more than anything. no matter what I would never ever leave you alone---I promise. and I want you to make a promise that you would stay by my side in every path I'll turn to just walk by my side--- there's only death that can do us apart "
Jeonguk words were not reaching only to taehyungs ear but to his heart as well, the undefined feeling held him into a trance.

𝙎𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝘼 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨 (𝙩𝙖𝙚𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠)Where stories live. Discover now