22 : Gentle

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Ignore the mistakes pleassss, I didn't edit I'm sorry might be uncountable errors.

Mature content , you can skip if its make you uncomfortable.

Read the note at the end of the chapter, and might delete this chapter coz I'm not really satisfied with the content so.... Yeah

Authors pov:

Adrenaline rush to their body, so much that they forget to breath, their body leaning against each other, heart threatening to beat out of theirs chests, both feeling ectasy feeling high by each others touch, both excited in a way that feels new to them every time they get closer to each other.

their patience run thin, and both meet each other in halfway, lips on lips, eyes closed shut.
they are kissing with no care, no hesitation, they are kissing because they crave for each other they love each other.

Taehyungs has always melted by jungkooks touch, by his kiss. but today right at this moment when they are kissing it felt different, he feels he has jungkook wholey unlike every time, he feels jeonguk touch on his body didn't not just touched his skin but touched his soul too, jeonguk is kissing him like there's no tomorrow,tae feels desperation, demands, love, care, frustation all in this kiss.
a whimper left from taes mouth when jeonguk bit his lower lips in between his teeth.

Jeonguk is sure now that taehyung is the one and only for me, how hard he has fallen for silver hair beauty, kissing the younger now has erased all the tiny little doubts that he had ,but now it's crystal clear,

"I'm madly, desperately in love with taehyung, and there's no denial now, not anymore"

His inner self screamed and that's all made him to picks taehyung in his arm,tae hides hides his face in brunettes neck, breaths unevenly.

jeonguk walks upto his room while nuzzling his face in taehyung neck. both excited whatever next is yet to come.
Jeonguk opens the door of his bedroom and closed it behind, walks till the bed.
he lowers taehyung on mattress, hovers over him settles between his leg, taehyung breath heavily gulping hard, holding jeonguk arms tight while jeonguk holds taes waist both looking at each others, the room is dark yet the light from lamp on night stand and moonlight that's shattered in the room from window is enough for the two to see each other clearly, deeply.

taehyung couldn't hold more as he tugg jeonguk against him by his arm, catching his lips with his own, sighs once warmth spread through his body, jeonguk kisses him his hand trailed to cup taehyung face while other remains on taehyung waist.

For them kissing in not touching lip with lips, it's an way to communicate, it's an language of one heart to another, it's a promise which they lock one with another a key of love, it's a way to seal one soul with another and jeonguk soul has sealed taehyung as his, from the very first time when he had jissed him and he felt that he's in heaven  he's feeling the same right now.

taehyung pulls jeonguk more against his body, wraps his arm around brunettes neck, runs his fingers in his brown hair tugg it slightly when jeonguk bit his lips.

Jeonguk pulls apart and tae whines at the lose, though his lips hurts, his chest is paining yet he can't have enough of jeonguk lips neither jeonguk can. jeonguk trails down to younger jaw then neck plants open mouth kisses there, bite taehyungs soft honey skin, paints it into purple and red.

"ahh" taehyung hisses and moans when jeonguk kisses hard on his neck, starts undoing his shirt button, runs his hand on taehyung thighs.
he halts his actions, and taehyung whines ,breathing heavily.

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