Interlude: Injustice In Motion

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In the eyes of others, the bustling nation of Rushya, the biggest nation on Malia which would be Russia on Earth, is always seen as the most chaotic, evil, and destructive nation of all. While part of it is true, the nation isn't any trace chaotic as chaos would destroy a nation instead of keeping one together.

Humans, elves, dwarves, kitsunes, dragons, all creatures from any other nation who dares to defy Rushya and attack it would be tracked down and caught to serve a lifetime in torture and slavery. There is only one nation with which it is allied, Mongolia. And since Mongolia is ruled by a demon lord, Rushya would also be connected to demons. Yet, it is more than that, as it is the home of the demons themselves.

There is no day where they spare themselves from capturing innocent or powerful souls to feed their nation's already immense power. Despite that, the nation never grew in size in the past few hundred years. The European Union, a unified power made out of nations that are populated with elves, dwarves, and humans got extremely powerful a few hundred years ago. Powerful enough to make both Rushya and Mongolia to pause in their tracks. 

It is known that the European Union might be unbeatable on the ground and in the air, but it is vulnerable on the southern coasts as it doesn't have much for maritime defences. Both demonic nations know this, but they haven't invented a mode of transportation sufficient enough to withstand all the sea monsters that exist in the oceans. No nation has.

*ahem* Let's get back to the story, shall we?


World domination. Once our nation has achieved that, we can dominate the universe, then the multiverse. It's inevitable, really. We have so much time on our hands. I just needed us to rot the nations from their insides enough, and then, we could initiate the millions of soldiers to achieve our first step to being the most powerful empire ever.

"Your majesty," An earth demoness powerful enough to induce panic in any nation bowed before me as he brought a blood demon with him, an assassin and spy that reside in the kingdoms of Welisia and Altidore, and a valuable asset to our dreams. "I have brought back Firaun and he has brought some news."

Firaun bowed deep as I asked, "Firaun, my most successful spy! What have you found?"

"Your majesty, we now have a chance." He magically conveyed images into my mind in a split second which would take minutes with words. We both smiled, finally able to find an action that would lay down the road for our future.


Another chapter cuz why not. Although it's an interlude.

Me, writing ze plot: "To have some resemblance to earth, I'll just keep these three names(Mongolia, Rushya cuz Russia, and the European Union)."


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