"How is this related to The Lion King?" Jimin asks.

"Well, Mufasa has red hair and I was wondering if he dyed it and I thought it'd be cool if I dyed my hair maybe red or yellow like Spongbob so I wondered if Spongbob has hair or not." He says, all in one breath.

Yoongi breaths deeply and turns back to his game of chess, Namkookseok resuming with their activity. Taehyung pouts when everyone plainly ignores him.

"Don't mind them Tae. I think you'd look good with yellow or red hair." Jimin places a peck on his jaw.

"That's a good idea though." Hoseok points out. "Let's dye our hair."

"Why though?" Yoongi asks, his eyes intensly stuck to the chessboard, scheming his next move.

"As a sign of our new, liberated lives." Hoseok beams brightly.

"Yeah sure, we're basically homeless people living in a cave with no future. Let's celebrate." Yoongi shoots him down.

"Come on! I'm serious. It'll be fun." Hoseok gets on his knees and puts his hands together. "Pleeeeeeese."

"I mean...it could be fun. To have a change." Namjoon scratches the back of his neck.

"See? Joonie knows what's up." Hoseok crosses his arms over his chest.

"Fine, I'm down." Seokjin says.

"Same. I really wanna get rid of this." Jimin picks at his long strands just wanting to get rid of the bad memories his hair holds.

"No~ill miss your hair!" Seokjin pouts.

"You can play with it for now if itll make you feel better." Jimin smiles warmly at him.

"Yay!" Seokjin crawls over to Jimin and begins fiddling with his hair.

"I'll do it too." Jungkook adds while using his Iron Man action figure to stomp onto the Thor.

"Hey! I thought we were a team." Hoseok complains.

"Sorry not sorry. Iron Man flies solo bitches." He ends it by using his toy to knock away Hoseok's. The guys laugh at his action.

"Can I cut your hair for you? I've always wanted to try." Seokjin asks and dashes to find a pair of scissors without even waiting for a reply.

Jimin's eyes pop out of his head. "Have you done it before?"

"Does my old stuffed bear count?" Seokjin asks while rummaging around for the pair of scissors.

"N-no...I don't think so..." He nervously gulps.

"Well, there's a first time for e-ahh! Found it!" He skips over to Jimin with a pink pair of scissors and pulls him out of Taehyung's lap to the kneels down behind him.

"Don't worry. I'd always watch the hair and makeup girls cut my hair. I mean, how hard could it be?" Seokjin smiles down at him, his eyes disappearing into crescents.

"So...Jimin? Which hat do you prefer? The black bucket hat, red ball cap or maybe a simple beanie?" Yoongi pulls out the hats one by one. "Cause you're fucked."

"Shut up." Seokjin chuckles and throws a shoe at him. "Don't listen to him Min. You'll look amaJin. I promise." Seokjin breaks into his windshield wiper laugh at his pun.

"I'm letting this guy cut my hair?" Jimin whispers in horror to himself.

"Relax. I'm a Jinius at this. Once I'm done with you, you'll look so good, they'll run out of oxyJin." He laughs once again.

"Gosh make him stop." Jimin shuts his ears with his hands.

"My English is good, I know." He hair flips once again.

"I'm fucked."

"I'll hold your hand if it makes you feel better?" Taehyung suggests. Jimin looks into his large brown eyes and nods. Taehyung then holds Jimin's hand in his own large ones and intertwines their fingers. Perfect fit.



"I know right." Seokjin smirks smugly as he twirls the pair of scissors between his fingers.

"Is it bad?" Jimin shuts his eyes tightly.

"Take a look." Hoseok hands him a hand mirror.

Jimin hesitantly brings his left hand to the mirror. He grasps it and pulls it infront of his face, his eyes still closed.

"I'm nervous." He silently says.

"Don't be. Trust me." Seokjin strokes his now short length hair.

"O-okay...if you say so." He lets out a shaky breath and battles his inner self weather to open his eyes or not.

"Here, I'll count you down. From three." Namjoon moves so sit next to him. Jimin nods.


He holds his lower lip inbetween his teeth.


His heart moving faster than a race car.


'I-I can do this...'

Slowly, he cracks his eyes open. His lids flutter up to stare at the foreign yet familiar reflection of himself. It's...scary.

"So...what do you think?" Seokjin kindly asks with a careful yet cheerful tone.

"I-I...I'm sorry I-" he drops the hand mirror and buries his face in his hands to begin softly sobbing. Is it really gone? Is he really gone? Never to come back ever again? It seems to good to be true.

"Oh no no no. Uljima. Don't cry. I'll put it back again." Seokjin panics.

"And how are you planning on doing that Jinius?" Yoongi asks frantically still fitting in some sarcasm.

"I-I don't know! Jungkook hand me the glue gun!"

"N-no it's fine." Jimin turns to Seokjin and gingerly holds his hands in his. His large shiny orbs looking up at him. "I-I love it."

"R-really?" Seokjin breathes out.

"Really. It's just that...It's..." He struggles to find his words.

"Unbelievable? Different? Freeing maybe?" Namjoon tries to help.

"Neh. All three of those." He sniffles. "I just can't believe it's over. That he's gone... Thank you Jin hyungie."

"Aw~ Minnie." Seokjin hugs him tightly. Jimin clings to him tightly and smiles.

"You look fire though." Taehyung comments once the two have pulled away from each other.

"I do, don't I?" Jimin uses the mirror and says cockily resulting in the others chuckling.

"No seriously. You look really adorable." Namjoon pinches his cheeks which instantly turn red.

"Thanks Hyung. It feels really weird though." He runs his hand through his hair.

"You'll get used to it. In the meantime... let's go get out hair changed!" Seokjin raises his arms in the air.


"Woah woah woah. I never agreed on dying my hair." Yoongi raises a brow.

"Well, you're outnumbered. Your opinion is irrelevant." Seokjin hair flips.

"Ooo~you just got burnt." Taehyung smirks.

"Shut up!"

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