The maknae nods obediently and takes off to the designated area. He gets to the fridge and searches for the desired beverage. The cool air conditioning soothing his hot temperature from all the running and dribbling he's been doing. He spots the drink besides the other various flavours.

'all the other hyungs like chocolate milk. Maybe I should get it for them too.'

He turns back to go get a basket as he would seem ridiculous holding the bottles all by himself and what if he drops one?

While reaching for the basket, a hand brushes against his. He jerks it back, his cheeks turning instantly pink.

"S-sorry I wasn't I-uhm you can go first." He trips on his words and refuses to meet the eyes of the other. His hands neatly placed behind his body.

"J-Jungkook?" A feminine voice calls out. A familiar feminine voice. He slowly looks up and meets her eyes. Those eyes that send chills down his spine and warmth to his heart. Long dark wavy hair falling down her tiny form. Clear, smooth, fair skin, pink plush lips, sparkling dark eyes that would trap anyone who dared to look at them in a daze. Stunning.

Jungkook's body freezes. His temperature going cold and hot at the same time. His palms become moist yet his throat dry.

"Baby, where were you?" She flings her arms around his neck and plants a short passionate kiss on his lips. A one sided one where she slowly moves her lips, pouring out all of her emotions and the him, standing there. Shocked.

"I've missed you so much." She says after detaching their lips. "I've been really," she moves her hand from his neck to his abs. "really needy without you."

And that, shoots a dagger through his heart.





All these emotions mash together to create something confusing to his poor brain.

How could he ever do this to her?

"Come back to me. Please?" Her smooth seductive voices rings in his ears and brings back almost forgotten memories.

He nods dumbly at her. Numbed from head to toe.

"Good. I'll be waiting." She winks and struts away.

What just happened?

"Hey Kookie, you ready to go?" Seokjin smiles warmly at him. Jungkook turns his attention to him with teary eyes.

"H-hyung?" His voice trembles. Seokjin immediately senses something off.

"Oh no baby. What's wrong?" He tries to step closer but Jungkook holds his hand out to maintain a distance between them.

"Don't follow me."

And without any further discussions, he takes off into a sprint out the enterence.

"Oh shit." Seokjin drops everything and runs out after him only to see the boy already halfway down the street.

"Guys!!! Jungkook ran off!!!" He yells towards the boys across the street.


"Come on!!!" He waves them over and runs. Trying to fill them in seeming pointless. Soon they all follow behind and catch up to Seokjin.

"What's up?" Yoongi asks.

"Jungkook. I think I know where he went." He pants not slowing down.


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