Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N So spring break just started for me :) I already have my next fic planned out, it'll of course be Lashton. I've begun writing it and if you guys like I could post part of the prologue at the end of one of these chapters as a sneak peak?

We both lay on our sides facing each other. I've gotten used to waking up to Luke's messy blonde hair and blue eyes.

We're silent. He stares at me. I watch the way the sun lights up his bare skin, the way he glows under the morning light.

After a couple minutes of us watching each other he smiles, "Morning." I kiss his forehead and his eyes flutter shut.

I continue to lay in bed as he gets up, moving to get dressed.

"Can I borrow some clothes again?" I ask quietly.

He laughs a little and throws a tshirt at me.

I sit up and sigh before saying "Luke, I'm going to have to go home soon. Maybe not to stay but I don't have any of my stuff and I have to get some things."

He frowns. "No."

"I'll be fine..."

He approaches the bed, "You heard those things you father said to you. You really want to go back there? Who knows what he'll do. There's no way I'm letting you go, he could hurt you. I'll send Michael or something."

I lift myself up on to my knees to be face to face with him, "Come with me then. We can go while my dads at work."

He grips my waist with one hand and runs the other through my hair. "Fine."

I smile softly, watching him finish getting ready. I think back to the first time I saw him, how his appearance scared me. I think he's beautiful now.

"What?" He says with a little laugh when he catches me watching him.

I blush and duck my head, "I just think you're beautiful."

"And you're sure he's not here?" Luke asks as we pull up to my house on his motorcycle.

I nod, "He works during the week."

"And your mother?"

I bite my lip, "She won't do anything to me, but you should wait here."

My house feels unfamiliar, like a strangers. It's quiet. I slowly walk through it, waiting to see my mother or Harry.

Neither of them are in the kitchen or living room so I start up the stairs for my bedroom.

I hear noise coming from Harry's room. I look inside. He's sitting at his small desk drawing.

"Ashton!" He calls when he notices me.

I smile at him, no matter what my parents say Harry will always be my brother

He runs to me and hugs my leg.

"Hey there, Harry."

I hear my mother's footsteps coming down the hall as soon as I speak.

"Ashton." She breathes.

I stare at her expectantly. She doesn't look angry, just relieved. Part of me hopes she's been worrying about me nonstop and part of me knows she probably hasn't.

"Hi mom." I finally say.

She takes a deep breath. "I'm glad your home." I try to interrupt her to tell her I don't intent on staying but she raises a hand to stop me. "You father and I have been talking while you've been...wherever."

She looks sad as she speaks and I can feel the guilt grow. Harry is drawing again, not paying us attention.

"Him and I have decided, we're moving."

I freeze. My stomach feels like it's just exploded and my breath has stopped.

I whisper "You and dad are moving?" I know it's a stupid question, I already know the answer.

She puts a hand on my shoulder and tears fill my eyes, "I know you don't want to but it'll be best for you. To get you away from the people who've you started hanging around with." She nods a little to assure me that this is the right decision but it's not.

Nothing about this is right.

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