Chapter Twenty-One

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I tuck Harry into bed and turn out all the lights.

I make sure he's asleep before I sneak downstairs. I'm walking toward the fridge when I hear footsteps in the front yard.

Slowly, I walk to the living room and peak out the window. There's a figuring moving about, making its way to my front door.

I tiptoe over and wait for the person to let themselves be know. I can hear them talking to themselves.

Their fist loudly collides with my door and I open it before Harry wakes up.

I see Calum. He's holding a bottle of something in his left hand and he appears half asleep.

"What're you doing?" I whisper.

Loudly, he responds. "Ash, ashton. I'm so, I'm sorry I yelled at you." He almost loses his balance pushing himself past me into my house.

"Stop yelling."

"I'm not yelling it's just really loud in here." He grabs onto my shoulder and nods quickly.

"Are you drinking alcohol?" I ask, concerned for him. Alcohol is the devils drink and it's very harmful.

"Maybe. A little." Calum walks past me and bumps into a table.

I try to tell him he needs to worry more about his body but he starts speaking again, "You know, I realized in the past, past few hours. You can't help who you love. Sometimes people love people they don't wanna but that's just how it is."

He points a finger at me and moves it all around as he lectures me.

"I can't help it that I love Claire and she can't help it that she loves you and-" he trips over a pair of shoes, "and you can't help if you love boys."

The words hit me hard but I try to ignore them, they aren't true.

"And if you love boys then, then that's great. You can't help it. You should embrace it." His words slur as he falls onto the stairs and starts giggling.

I neglect to respond to him but instead drag him up the stairs, him continuously missing steps and almost falling.

"Ashton you smell so nice." He laughs as I throw him on to my bed.

I take the bottle from him and set it on my night stand, he continues to talk to him self and be completely out of it. I try to keep him quiet for Harry's sake.

"Let's take a trip, let's go to Hawaii." He says as if he's just realized the most amazing thing.

"Let's take a nap, instead." I say, mostly to myself as Calum isn't paying attention to me but instead to throwing my pillows off my bed.

I get him to turn and get under my covers and I follow. He's passed out before I can even fully get the blanket over me.

As I turn over to go to sleep I imagine someone's else's back pressed against mine.

A/N I know, we haven't seen Luke in, like, ages! But I promise, he'll be here soon ;)

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