Chapter Seventeen

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I lay in my bed and Calum's words play over and over, "any straight guy."

I just continue to grow sadder and more confused so I decide to read my bible, something that normally makes me feel better but I haven't done in a while.

I open to a random page and begin to read, absorbing the truth of God.

A certain verse sticks out to me, Proverbs 27:17 "Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."

One man sharpens another. That's it.

All I have to do is tell Luke the truth, that being gay is going to send him to hell.

He'll change his ways, he'll get better.


"Hello, Mrs. Clifford." I smile.

"Oh, this is a nice surprise! Welcome, Ashton. Come in." I step into the familiar house.

"Is Michael home?" I'm hoping he'll know where Luke is.

She nods and points up to his room. I walk the stairs, listening for another voice.

I knock on his closed bedroom door. "Michael?"

I hear him shuffling around before the door opens. His expression falls to anger when he sees me. "Why are you here?" He asks, annoyed.

"I was wondering if you've seen Luke." I try to stay calm and not show that I'm actually a little scared of him.

He raises an eyebrow and leans against his door frame. "He's around."

I swallow and ask "Around where?"

Michael shrugs, "Well, earlier he sucked me off. God knows where he's at now." He says the words so calmly with confidence.

I clench my jaw. "Alright." I say, no emotions, not making eye contact with him. I turn to walk away.

"He's probably at his house." Michael says to my back like I should know this.

I turn slowly to face him, "Where is that?"

"Luke lives in the white farm house on the road behind the book store." He rolls his eyes and huffs before slamming his door shut.

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