Chapter Thirty-Two

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A/N Sorry I haven't updated I spent the night at a friends house on Thursday and had to preform in a thing last night.

Luke and I ride back to his house on his motorcycle.

"What're you going to do? About your parents?" We're sitting on his bed across from one another.

I shrug. "I'm not exactly sure what to do."

He offers a sympathetic smile and I look to the floor.

"Let's take your mind off them for while. At least until you know what you're going to do." He has a smirk on his face.

I laugh a little, "Luke, I don't want to have sex right now." He playfully rolls his eyes, "Not sex. A date."


He raises one shoulder, "We haven't been on a real date before so I want to take you on one."

I think for a moment then agree, "Okay, a date."

"No you nerd, not like that." Luke laughs at me.

"Hey, I'm not a nerd." I pout.

He wraps his arms around my waist as I play one of the video games in the arcade. It's worn and the sound glitches every few minutes.

He rests his head on my right shoulder, "Why the hell would you do that?"

He's very critical of my gaming skills.

"I'm winning, aren't I?"

"Not anymore." He laughs as he pushes my hand causing me to hit the wrong button and die.

I turn around to confront him and I'm immediately met with our faces being inches apart. I don't think I'll ever get used to the feeling his blue eyes give me.

"You suck." I whisper. He puts both his hands on the game behind me.

"And swallow." He laughs at himself.

"That's cute." An annoying and too familiar voice interrupts us. Claire.

Behind her stands a taller boy with curly brown hair and a wide mouth. He has one eyebrow raised at us in amusement.

"Hello." Luke says flatly, clearly not impressed with either of them.

She doesn't respond to him instead looks at me and says, "So, you're being open about it now? What about your parents?" Her tone is sarcastic.
She smiles, pleased with herself.

I see Luke becoming angry. His arms are by his side now and his fists are clenched.

"They know." I say.

Her eyes go wide and then she laughs, "And they didn't kill you for being a fag?"

The last word hardly hits the air before Luke is stepping forward and loudly asking "What the fuck did you just call him?"

The boy behind Claire finally speaks, "I think she called you both a faggot." He smirks, he almost reminds me of Luke. His confidence, how he's almost frightening.

Claire looks content with the boys response. I open my mouth to retort but Luke's arm goes flying in front of me first, punching the boy square in the jaw.

He stumbles backward before falling, Claire gasps.

"Who do you think you are?" The boy demands, holding his face.

Luke takes a couple steps forwards and leans in his face before loudly announcing "I'm Luke fucking Hemmings, and who the fuck are you?"

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