Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N Where's Louis when you need him?

Luke and I end our date early to walk to Calum's. It's not like we could really enjoy being there after our encounter with her.

The whole walk is spent with Luke making sure I'm okay and not upset about Claire's words. I've learned to ignore her.

I'm worried about Calum right now. He's going to be pissed when he finds out she actually has another boy. I know that it's a sensitive subject but I'm his friend and I feel obligated to tell him.

"How'd you meet Calum anyway?" Luke wonders as we walk up the boy in questions drive way.

"He tried to kill me, honestly." I laugh a little.

"What?" Luke stops walking.

"Remember that date I went on with Claire? The one you so creepily watched us on?" I raise an eyebrow and he laughs.

"How could I forget?"

"Calum tried to beat me up after he found out about it, then I told him I had no interest in her and he bought me a coke." I shrug. "That's why I want to tell him about that Harry guy."

Luke slowly nods and we continue walking.

"Look who's alive." Calum says when he sees me.

"Barely." I joke.

Calum looks to Luke. "I don't think I've met you before but I'm guessing you're Luke."

He takes the metal in his mouth between his teeth and nods once. Part of me is concerned he's going to be rude now that he found out about Calum and I fighting.

He lets us inside his house and we follow him to his living room. When we get there Luke stands behind me, pressed firmly into my shoulder. I can tell he's making himself look taller.

"What's do I owe this spontaneous visit?" Calum asks in an awful accent and sits on the couch.

"Well," I pause. "We saw Claire."

He looks up at me and his jaw tightens. Luke's hand rests on the small of my back.

"And?" His eyes narrow.

"She was with some prick named Harry." Luke finally says, speaking harshly.

Calum stands up and Luke grips the back of my shirt. I try not to react and have Calum question us.

"I know him. I didn't know he liked girls, but I know him." Calum offers.

"He looked like he pretty into her." I bite my lip.

Calum walks toward us and Luke takes a step forward, his chest fully pressed to my shoulder. Calum walks around us though.

I follow him to his kitchen with Luke right behind me.

"You're not.. You're not going to drink again and end up at my house at like 2am? Because if you are then show up at Luke's, I'm not staying at home." I try to turn my concern into a joke.

He shakes his head. "No I'm fine." I can tell he's really not fine at all.

"We should get going." Luke whisper into my ear but I still think Calum hears him.

"Okay." I say. "If you think you're going to do something stupid then come to me, you don't need to get in trouble."

Calum nods and Luke and I leave

A/N Did you guys know Starbucks has a birthday frap until Monday? I've had it three times this weekend lol

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