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Again, I wake up in the dark. I hear the mice scurrying across the freezing, wet basement floor. I hear Steven clamoring through the thin boards separating my hell from the upstairs. Kayla is in the shower. As the pipe is dripping water onto my head from above.

I haven't seen the upstairs for so long, I can barely remember what it looks like.

All I remember is that, it wasn't anything worth remembering. Maybe that's why I forgot.

My entire life has been literal hell. I've grown used to the idea that I'm nothing, worthless. I've never been to school. Never had a friend. Never had a family.

If this is how family is supposed to treat you, count me out. I'll spend the rest of my life like this. Alone.

The cold, rusted cuffs attached to my wrist and ankles, digging into my skin. Little specks of dried blood scatter across my arm. I have scars. Scars that don't seem to fade away. Little scars and fresh cuts from the rusty cuffs that hold me in place. The cuffs that are rarely taken off.

My stomach has quit rumbling days ago. It seemed to get that it's not going to be getting any food anytime soon. I haven't had a meal in so long. All that I'm fed to stay alive is moldy bread and a small glass of water.

I've grown accustomed to the emptiness around me. I've grown used to the fact that no one is ever going to love me, take care of me properly. I'll never have a family. I'll never have friends. I'll never go to school.

Why me?

I'm alone, I will be alone forever. No friends, no family. Nothing. Cause who would want a bad girl like me? Nobody.

All I see around me is darkness. I'm alone. The darkness is the only thing I can trust. It will always be there. Even if you don't want it.

This is my life everyday. This is all Blake Bradley is good for.

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