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Pov Gwen:

When I was sitting on the hospital bed, I was looking at my ankle, which was so swollen and hellish.

That I did not feel any pain, I am surprised, probably for some time I will not be able to walk, but to scrub.

Suddenly Vader entered the room.

-How are you, Gwen?, He asked

-Good for now, I replied

-The doctor has forbidden you to walk for a while,said Vader

-I do not doubt about it

-And I'll be keeping an eye on you personally

-Vader ... I'm not a little girl to look after me. I'll be fine.But I sensed Vader was really worried about my health.

-I don't think so, as long as you don't walk, I'll take care of you personally.

-Okay, but you really don't need to -You must, my dear

Suddenly Peter entered.

-Oh god Gwen are you okay? Qira told me you sprained your ankle,said a worried Peter

-I'm fine and I sprained my ankle because I fell down the stairs

-Oh, and those bruises are from a fall too?


-Well, I just said he would be in my care,said Vader

-Oh and that's good ! He smiled seductively at me

-But you really don't need to ...

-You have to and you probably won't get out. Vader will have you under control, said Peter.

-I can handle it, I assured

-I'm not so sure,laughed Maul

-I agree with Vader, laughed Peter

-You won't get far, sweetheart, added Vader, still amused

-Ah, so you think so, I will show you, I said and I got up from the bed.

I was standing on the cold floor, suddenly I felt a huge pain in my ankle, which was unbearable, and I kept blowing.

-And I didn't, said Vader, picking me up and setting me down on the bed.

-Gwen you must be so stubborn ? Peter laughed

-And you know, Peter-I said looking at them indignant.

-I advise you not to annoy me today, I said indignantly

-And I advise you to listen to me,Vader laughed

-Okay okay take it easy Gwen we want you to quickly recover so what are you nervous? -Peter asked

-Because he's starting to irritate me, I replied quickly

-Okay so me and Parker will go now and you lie calm otherwise I will use a different method, said Vader

-What ?I asked

-You'll see if you don't listen, Vader laughed and they both left, leaving me alone.

~ The girl who fell in love with Lord Vader ~Where stories live. Discover now