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When we came, only my father, Palpatine, and Peter were there.

-Hello, Lord Vader! Palpatine said

-Hello master! What brings us here? He asked

-Do I believe Gwen is my daughter ? Palpatine asked

-Yes, master, said Vader. Then I grabbed his hand to let him know that I was by his side all the time.

-It's okay, I hope you take good care of my daughter?

-Of course,replied Vader and we smiled at each other.

-Fine, you can all go, he said So Vader and Peter and I went into the elevator.

-Gee uncle sometimes he seems scary when you're alone,he said

-Then you are right,said Vader

-Until now, I'm surprised he is my father, I said

-I can't believe it either, said Vader

-Peter and the towers, where is Maul and Qira?, I asked

-Maul invited Qira to the rant, said Peter

-Seriously? Well, Maul did it at last, I'm proud of him, I said

-And here I agree with you, sweetheart, he laughed and kissed me.

-You're both so cute. You two fit together, laughed Peter

-I have no doubts about it,I laughed

-Only Vader, keep an eye on her, you don't know what can shoot her in the head,laughed Peter

-Parker will rather manage to get hold of this madman, Vader laughed

-Me crazy? Unless you love such a crazy girl as I am, I laughed

-And here I agree with you, sweetheart, he laughed and kissed me.

-Variants,laughed Peter

Evening came and we all returned to our rooms.

Pov Darth Vader :

The nightmare came nightmare and this nightmare was about Gwen falling into the abyss, I tried to catch her but I fail and Gwen is dying in front of my eyes When I woke up I sharply woke up and my tears began to fall out of fear.

This is the 3rd dream in which I see death. Firstly my mother, then Padme and these dreams foretold me and they both died.

Now she is with Gwen and I can't let this dream come true. I don't want to lose her, I love her too much for me to lose It is thanks to her that I found hope that I can change my life for the better thanks to Gwen. So I will go to Palpatine first thing in the morning anVader put his arm around me and kissed me on the forehead.

~ The girl who fell in love with Lord Vader ~Where stories live. Discover now