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The next day I got out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs to breakfast.

-Hello Gwen! - everyone welcomed me.

-Welcome ! -and I sat down at the table between Peter and Qira.

-Have you lost your sleep? Han asked

-Yes, yes,I replied

-Listen to Gwen and you by chance with Vader do not have this one? -Maul asked smiling at me seductively.

-What?! You must be crazy !!! - I shouted

-What's wrong? I saw you two yesterday,laughed Peter

-Yes, I saw you with Han too, I often see you with Vader-laughed Hux

-So you're kidding me? Nothing in common with Vader, we're just friends. Anyone else have something to say?

Nobody said a word.

-And where is Vader?, I asked finally.

-What? Are you in love with him? Maul taunted at me

- Holy shit, I'm just asking! Because he is my friend! Man, if it goes on like this, I'll probably go crazy with them.

-He's in his office and he asked you to come to him later,laughed Qira

-Uuuuu and maybe something will happen between you in the end, laughed Maul

-Maul you better shut up,I said

-I support you there. You are suitable for Vader, you are made for each other, laughed Peter.

-Peter, don't join Maul,I suggested.

-Couple in love Vader and Gwen - Han sang

-Holy shit, I'm going out there, I said

As I was walking down the corridor, suddenly not noticing the stairs ahead, I fell and rolled down the stairs. Everything was starting to hurt and suddenly I got bruises on my body and my hair was disheveled.

-I'm not good, I said in my mind Then I got up off the ground and hurt as I walked on.

Maybe no one will notice that I have bruises on my body.

When I entered Vader's office, no one was there, she looked at the mirror and looked terrible in those bruises as if I had come back from some war.

Suddenly, Hux entered the room, shocked to see me.

-God damn Gwen and what happened to you ? Did you fight with someone or what ?

-I just fell down the stairs,I laughed

-But you didn't hurt yourself ?, He asked

-I don't think I have bruises all over my body

-Oh okay, I have to go, will you give the report to Vader?

-Of course

-Thanks,he said, and left the room quickly.

Why was Hux asz so nervous? After all, it was just an accident that could happen to anyone.

~ The girl who fell in love with Lord Vader ~Where stories live. Discover now