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The next day I woke up with a headache. I think I drank too much yesterday and I have it as mine. Then I went to the bathroom, dressed in something loose and went downstairs for breakfast. until Maul woke me up.

-Hey Gwen! We are not sleeping, sleeping beauty, laughed Maul

-Hi-Maul-I greeted him lethargic

-So how was your evening with Vader?, He asked

-Maybe, I replied

-So I see you were drinking something yesterday? - he asked

-3 glasses of red wine, I said

-Oh, maybe you want to play chess with me to wake me up?, Maul suggested

-Sure we can play

-Super good, if I win you will make a date with Vader, suggested Maul

-For a appointment ? Are you mad about Maul? -No-laughed

-Okay, and if I win, you make an appointment with Qira on the date

-Okay-and we shook hands before the game.

Fortunately, I can play chess so I have a chance to win against Maul.

The game was fierce until the very end.

-Checkmate ! I shouted Maul looked at me in surprise.

-You won, he said, still in shock.

-Well, and now you go to Qira and you make an appointment with her at the date, I laughed quietly.

-My congratulations Gwen! I'm going to Qira to talk to her at the date, laughed Maul

-Good luck! Suddenly Han came.

-Hi Gwen, who did you play chess with?Han asked

-With Maul. I bet with him that if he wins, I have to arrange a appointment Vader, and if I am, then he with Qira,I said.

-Maybe we'll play? If I win, you'll be on a date with Vader,Han suggested

-It's okay if I win, you clean the entire hangar for a week.


I'm sorry for such a short chapter, my dear.

~ The girl who fell in love with Lord Vader ~Where stories live. Discover now