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I climbed onto the roof of the clock tower and took Gwen, who was held tightly by Snoke.

-Snoke! Let her go! I shouted

-Why? Are you in love with her? ”He laughed maliciously

-And you know!

-But believe ... she denied you, said Snoke Suddenly I felt as if someone had punched me in the heart. How could Gwen disown me?

-Oh, what did you think Gwen would love the monster you are ?He laughed I did not speak, closed in on myself.

-Then watch your sweetheart die, said Snoke and began to choke her with power.

-No ! I shouted and quickly fired my lightsaber

-But you are stupid! You think the girl cares about you? Snoke laughed

-Lake it back! I shouted

-Say goodbye to Gwen!

Snoke laughed and released Gwen. The girl was starting to fall. Paker reacted quickly and jumped after her was close to catch Gwen but Dooku pushed him away. So I quickly jumped to save Gwen.

The same image came up to me as in the dream, Gwen was falling and she had tears in her eyes.

-Vader use the power to catch her, said the voice in my mind and the voice was my master's.

And I obeyed him, I used my power, I
pulled Gwen to me, I fired the rope I had with me and I dragged Gwen to the ground safe and sound. I breathed a sigh of relief that Gwen is now safe for now.

Pov Gwen:

As he held me in his arms, I looked at him for a short time because it was difficult for me to look at him.

-Are you okay ?, He asked

-... yes,I replied And Vader put me on the ground.

-Tell me ... did you really disown me ? Vader asked

-... no ... I would never do that ... Snoke specifically said that to make you weak because he knows you have feelings for me ...

-Okey now go to safety, said Vader

-No way ! I'm going with you and it's over! I shouted

-No ! It is not safe! You have to stay here I don't want to lose you for the 2nd time, Vader said seriously

-And I'm not going anywhere!  I protested

-You're not staying here and that's it

-Vader I can defend myself! I'm not afraid of anything, I said

-I'm sorry, but I have to do it,suddenly Vader let go of a signal and a red figure took me away.

-Vader ! You bastard ! I shouted

What is this character that took me away from him?

-Let me out ! I have to get back to Vader! I shouted

-Why ? Vader is not turf ? The man laughed

-And if you would know that he is, but I have to help him anyway, let me out !, I shouted

~ The girl who fell in love with Lord Vader ~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu